Friday, April 3, 2009

Weekend finally.

I'm exhausted to what seemed like a long week but actually it wasn't that long. I think it was just another of those weeks I'm having where my life just seems to go wrong.

Just reading Cat's blog about PMS. Well let's say during these time of months girls tend to be quite emotional. So I did something really irrational that made me cry and cry. Rofl. Well, I was quite conscious of what I was doing and postponed it afterwards. Lol. So yeah, a very emotional and confusing week actually. Times where I always tend to contradict myself. To spend time alone or to spend time with friends. When I'm with a friend, I don't want them there. When I spend time alone, I need a friend. Argh, I tend to do that a lot. Anyway, so in the end the thing I postponed, I end up finishing it off. In my response, well let's say it was the same response as the last. (I think you all know what I'm talking about) Anyway, so I was kinda emotional again and again. Trying to build a bridge to get over it. In the end, I got another response which has left me with mixed emotions. Happy, confused and scared. It's what I wanted right?! But then what?! I'm just scared of the outcome. And how things won't turn out the way I want it to. But it should be good you know. When the right path is chosen, then I can choose to let go or to hold on. I guess I just have to let fate handle this. I really hope that he's feeling up to it.

Ok, so maybe he preoccupies my mind 90% of the time which really sucks. I try to do other things like study to get him off my mind. But when I do study, it reminds me of year 12 and how he was always there to push me through the tough year. Argh, sucks I know.

Well lately I have lost the motivation about school. Mainly because of catching public, which consumes so much time. And then there's my brother who decides to put his car into the mechanics... works over time and makes everyone catch the local bus to and from home. So that added another 30 mins, on top of my 40-60 minutes of travelling to school. (Well, it takes 40, but plus or minus waiting times) So yeah, I was bloody exhausted that day. Maybe because of the Maccas I ate, or that Ana made me laugh so much because we both have double jointed arms. -_-" Which, I might have add that she kept flopping around and trying to look scary? Aish, that girl makes my peak hour enjoyable :):)

Anywho, today I only decided to wag Physiology. But I was on my break and my friend storms out of class with her own crisis. So I ended up missing out on half my Psychology lecture just to talk things over. Mind you, the weather was terrible during that time. The thunder was scared the shit out of me ><><) Anywho, I went back to Basement because I really wanted this Miss Shop jacket (Tag says Blue, but it looks grey-blue -_-"). I didn't end up buying it. Waste of my time. But I did bump into Kenny and Viv. So yeah. I bought new jeans again :):) This time from Dotti. $20 off denim :D It's freaking tight as. And sales assistants always tells me not to go up a size and I can't freaking breathe. Omfg ><><><><>

So partial failed shopping. It freaking sucks because I can't find my mum a birthday present either. Argh.
Oh my VAIO laptop bag came in today from Hong Kong :):) It was $16.50 which I think is a bargain price for a Sony bag. But yeah, it's sleek and will protect my precious baby. Which reminds me I gotta do user comments on ebay :D And I can finally brind my laptop to school, however, that's just asking for my laptop to get scratch or die >< :(:(:(

Anywho, Phuong's birthday tmr. Should be a good weekend. Looking forward to it. I'm just gonna go to the small gathering she organised for the close friends. Then the rest can club or whatever. I got a freaking assignment due in on Monday, which is great because the extended it from Friday due to ITS. Yeah.

Anywho ciao


P.S. Awesome episode of Gossip Girl :):)

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