Thursday, March 5, 2009


I've been quite lazy these days. I really want to start studying at this point and get ahead in the year but far out internet addiction or something. Ever since I got this laptop as well. I'm really attached more than ever. But hopefully by week 2 of university I would be buckling down. Especially this weekend. I should be using it to read up on my lecture notes for the week and referring to my text books for extra guidance and respond to questions. But then again, I'm lazy. I might not even touch my school work. I'd take a glance and leave it as that. Sigh. I really should get a crack onto it. However, Moomba is on the weekend. I really want to go. I haven't been since let's say grade 3?? When I won like 27 toys in one day. I missed those days where my family would go out as a whole. But yeah. I don't have money left anyway. My brother gave me $40 to survive for 4 days. And after 2 days, my money has been drained. Partially my fault because I went out before and after school.
So Wednesday, Helen Nguyen and I never had lunch because we both ate before we left. We ended up taken photos as she suggested and then her freaking obsession with Skill Testers, drove more money out of my pockets. You know sparing a couple of dollars for your friend doesn't hurt but when you're feeding her addiction, omfg GG. Anywho, after her countless attempts of getting a Doraemon whatever you call it, she suggest we go Starbucks. GG, more money. I had a Chai Tea Latte :):) Gotta love that stuff. But the Starbucks dude. He must be death of something. He wrote Allen on my cup. And see as there was two Helen's in line, he should've atleast got one Helen correct. But no, he put us down as Allen. ><>
On another issue, mum's are pros, I swear. She was totally sussed when I was seeing this guy right. And she brings him up again recently. I was like "Umm yeah, we don't really talk anymore." She asked "Why?" And to my convenience I just said, "Oh yeah, he went VN for a bit so we lost contact." Phew.

Anywho, today I started late again. I ended up catching the train with Charmie and David Le. Far, I've barely been at school this. They cancelled my Chemistry tute so I came for my Chemistry Lab class which only ran for an hour today. To my surprise, my teacher assigned me Locker 77. And yes, Lucky 7's again. And yeah, my teacher seems scary because I don't know. He's a Chemical Engineer and he just seems uptight with everything. Like he's some sort of perfectionist or something. Meh, I don't know. And it looks like we would be doing our own practicals and not in groups and stuff. Oh GOD! I used to rig my titration pracs and everything. Add a few drops of stuff in, when I'm only supposed to add one. :S:S Uni just seems to weird and scary. But yeah I befriended two girls. Farah and Vy. Vy was like International Student from VN. She made me laugh. Because you know how asians are like over dramatic when it comes to being late. Yeah, she was late. And yeah it was pretty funny when she was explaining it to me. The class only went for an hour because it was an introductory.
After school, I went movies with Don and Shirley. Oh and I got donuts from Footscray too. I freaking sacrificed a tram just to get some donuts. Hehehe. We watched Unborn as planned. Man, I don't think I am made to watch Horror movies. Not because it's scary because I honestly don't get scared, but I never seem to understand the plot. Far I'm so slow. It took me 3 views of Skeleton Key until I kinda understood it. Yeah I don't recommend the Unborn. After the movie, I went to visit Gloria Jeans. Lol. Jenssan and Eugene were working and yeah. Jenssan made me my nametag, even though I don't work there anymore. Haha, I ended up helping out for a bit and walked away with 3 free drinks and 6 Gloria Jeans cards :D:D:D

So yeah, I'm still bored. Maybe I should get an early night. Catching the the early train tomorrow. Psych tute, Psych lecture, Stats & Research lecture then go home. Thank God, Physiology lecture is cancelled. And my two lectures are in the same room :):)

Anywho ciao bella


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