Thursday, March 19, 2009


Yeah I'm freaking bored from quite an annoying week. This actually carried from Sunday morning to about today so yeah. Embrace yourself.

So many of my readers who's been with me since Myspace have been tightly informed (to a small extent) about my "Love" Life. So I've been hurt once and been hurting ever since. Then I suddenly get this random text with a tiny glimpse of hope, for all to fall down again And yet hurt twice as hard. Yeah, atleast he was still thinking of me right?! I mean, I thought that he was somewhat gonna regret it and come back to me and that's why I didn't try as hard to let go. Only to have that hope broken again and again. I miss him so much. And really wish he would come back to me. But I guess that's all in the past now. Maybe I'm still hoping for him to come to his senses but his feelings are long gone now.

To add on top of that drama, my mum was admitted to hospital on Monday for her operation. It all went well. But it was just a stressful week especially at home which impacted on school. For starters, I had to skip school on Monday because mum's operation didn't start until 1:30pm. And I don't think my sister could be driving me to the station and I really wanted to see mum after her operation to finish. And so I did and she was feeling really weak and tired. Visited her everyday and yeah by Wednesday she looked healthy again and was up walking around. Just a bit sore from the stitches but other than that she looks really good. I'm forever greatful to her doctors and nurses. And poor sister, who had to serve dad and nii-san like 7am everyday. And also drive me to the station so I can get to my 8:30am class this morning. And visiting mum twice a day. Yeah, quite an effort. But so much yelling in the house while mum was a way. I kinda got annoying. Bitched to mum about it every time I saw her. So yeah. Going hospital everyday did drain a lot of my time. Especially on Wednesday because I got back from at school at like 6:30pm and I had to rush everything so I would have time to get to the hospital. Then home again and writing up my prac report for Chemistry which I should've done nights before ><>

Oh and another incident. Far my sister installs some bullshit onto my laptop that didn't work and when it was uninstalled all my notifications sounds were gone. I asked MY COMPUTER TECH MATE to help BUT NO he freaking goes to play two rounds of DOTA! And says "One more game!" When I was asking for help. Freaking hell. I ended up figuring everything out myself. Far out. I was pissed off that night.

Yah, well today was a better day atleast. Mum came home today. And Helen Nguyen took me to EB games and we went upstairs to play some Wii! ROFL. It was so funny. We looked like such idiots making Avatars as well. Rofl. I shall upload pics soon. Helen Nguyen's avatar looks like Lord Voldemort. It was freaking hilarious! Oh and I was trying to be under the radar this morning. I just ran to the Library at school and sat there by myself playing DS. Befriended an Aussie who sounded Scottish and yeah. Wasn't so bad spending time alone at school. Sometimes you just need to be alone.

Hrmm weekends soon. What shall I do this weekend?! Argh, I don't even know anymore. Maybe I should get drunk and send HIM a random text too. I was thinking of buying some alki because I got some nice Lemon/Lime drinks to mix it with :):) Omg and I miss my girlssss. Especially Shirl because I always bitch to her about everything. :(:(

Anyway blog again soon.



  1. HAHA I nearly choked on my drink when I read "Helen Nguyen's avatar looks like Lord Voldemort."

  2. Check out my Wall Photos on Facebook.
    It looks funny as.
