Monday, March 30, 2009

Blog addicts

I recently read a Psychology journal on Why people blog? And research has shown that people like me and bloggers, blog because we need to vent. And it is kind of true. We don't go into depth because it's like an online journal but it's just more to vent. And then when we read back on it we look at how we dealt with the issue. And the comments that you get or hits, just makes you wanna blog even more. Just gotta love Psychology! Lol. Oh I only came across that journal because I had to do my Psychology assignment on Stress, Coping and Life Satisfaction. In other words, the way you deal with stress impacts on how satisfied you are with your life. It was quite a difficult task that I have no quite finished yet. But that's what days off are for. (I've decided I'm not going to 1hr Physiology on Monday) Anywho, yeah, assignment on stress was making me feel more stress. Reading article after article, extracting information that was related to my studies. And to be a Psychologist, in my opinion you gotta have good writing which gives you more credibility.

So abt my Monday classes. Seeing as Lectopia is a popular option, might as well not go to school for an hour on Monday. Because it kills 3 hrs of my time and I do nothing all day anyway. So if I stay home, I can study the whole day and not worry about going anywhere after. I'm thinking about skipping Friday arvo classes but I don't want to miss too much Physiology. I mean, it is the subject that I want to succeed in the most. So it shouldn't kill me right!?

I went shopping yesterday. Meh, so hard to find something nice lately. I only end up buying a pair of high waisted jeans from Sportsgirl. I think it's pretty sexy. And great that I squeezed into a small size. And sales assistant calling me TINY! when I was asking for a larger size -_-" She's like it's
a PERFECT FIT why do you wanna go up? ><>

Argh, I'm so emotional lately. I guess I'm not coping really well with what happened. I constantly have him on my mind and I don't want to anymore. At first before the text I didn't want to let go. But now, what's left to hold onto? I mean, before the text I was thriving on the idea that we would get back together. And that text came. But it was all a lie. I mean I'm not taking his reason for ending our relationship as it is because he wouldn't be texting me nor would he even be thinking about me anymore. So there's apart of me that won't take the initial reason to be my answer. A part of me still think there's hope. I'm still longing to be his girlfriend. Something that I never got the chance to be. I just miss him so much. I really need that closure. There was so much going on in my life right after he broke it off with me. And I just really wish he was there for me through it all. I know I have my friends and everyone else but just that closure from a friend is different from the closure that you get from the guy you like. I guess I just got to let go and move on. I really don't know if he has. Because he said he lost feelings but he wouldn't be texting me apologizing if those feelings are gone. But whatever right?! I'll just try and let go.


Oh I'm making the most of this blog by adding my friends to my Blogs I follow list :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Gay day, gay week

It wasn't all bad, I guess. I'm just really tired of hearing people bitch about each other. And yes, one person quite hypocritical to that which annoyed me so much. And then some of my friends who are going through dramas of their own. Yes, I'm all ears. I'm always here for you as you are for me. However, it gets to the point where your drama becomes my drama because I care too much. And it hurts me too. I want to cry for you too. Take away your burden. But my heart isn't big enough to carry on such things. It makes me feel useless that I can't really do anything for you. Sigh. I feel like a really bad friend sometimes when I can't really find the right things. I guess my forte is relationships but with life, well give me a few more years then I will have my degree in Psychology. Come to me free of charges for a friend special and of course true confidentiality.

Monday was actually good. Christina and I went for lunch and drinks which was really fun. I love hanging with her because I learn so much off her. Oh she bought my a gift for getting my VCE results ><><>
Hrmm, my Physiology lectures are getting better. So going to school for 1 hr on Monday is kind of worth it but only because I do things beforehand.

Tuesday came and it was alright. Again, I'm drowned by the horrible same topic over and over again. I mean, cmonnnnnn, far out stop already. Argh go away. Wednesday came to add onto my pissy mood. Oh btw, I saw my ex-tutor MAC! I was actually really surprised to see him in public. Rofl. Yeah, quite fascinating really. Lol. Anywho continuing. I went Starbucks again. Murphy's shout this time. Tried compromising something with me that I took the wrong way again. Man, this vulnerability is making me crack the shits at anyone who steps in my way. It's not PMS, please people. Not that time of month.

Thursday today. Just went shopping after school and visited Gloria Jeans and scabbed some free drinks. Just about it. So depressing because I'm in need for some retail therapy yet everything is so expensive :( Geezus, and people complain that they're broke. Ok, round 2 or 3 retail therapy tmr during my 2hour break :)

Hrmm Phuong's party coming up. Small gathering for the "special" people at her house. And then clubbing for the rest of her friends. Lol. Should be a good night. Hrmm, then Leena's?, Linna's?, Linda's? coming up.

Ciao bellaaaaaaaaa

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Yeah I'm freaking bored from quite an annoying week. This actually carried from Sunday morning to about today so yeah. Embrace yourself.

So many of my readers who's been with me since Myspace have been tightly informed (to a small extent) about my "Love" Life. So I've been hurt once and been hurting ever since. Then I suddenly get this random text with a tiny glimpse of hope, for all to fall down again And yet hurt twice as hard. Yeah, atleast he was still thinking of me right?! I mean, I thought that he was somewhat gonna regret it and come back to me and that's why I didn't try as hard to let go. Only to have that hope broken again and again. I miss him so much. And really wish he would come back to me. But I guess that's all in the past now. Maybe I'm still hoping for him to come to his senses but his feelings are long gone now.

To add on top of that drama, my mum was admitted to hospital on Monday for her operation. It all went well. But it was just a stressful week especially at home which impacted on school. For starters, I had to skip school on Monday because mum's operation didn't start until 1:30pm. And I don't think my sister could be driving me to the station and I really wanted to see mum after her operation to finish. And so I did and she was feeling really weak and tired. Visited her everyday and yeah by Wednesday she looked healthy again and was up walking around. Just a bit sore from the stitches but other than that she looks really good. I'm forever greatful to her doctors and nurses. And poor sister, who had to serve dad and nii-san like 7am everyday. And also drive me to the station so I can get to my 8:30am class this morning. And visiting mum twice a day. Yeah, quite an effort. But so much yelling in the house while mum was a way. I kinda got annoying. Bitched to mum about it every time I saw her. So yeah. Going hospital everyday did drain a lot of my time. Especially on Wednesday because I got back from at school at like 6:30pm and I had to rush everything so I would have time to get to the hospital. Then home again and writing up my prac report for Chemistry which I should've done nights before ><>

Oh and another incident. Far my sister installs some bullshit onto my laptop that didn't work and when it was uninstalled all my notifications sounds were gone. I asked MY COMPUTER TECH MATE to help BUT NO he freaking goes to play two rounds of DOTA! And says "One more game!" When I was asking for help. Freaking hell. I ended up figuring everything out myself. Far out. I was pissed off that night.

Yah, well today was a better day atleast. Mum came home today. And Helen Nguyen took me to EB games and we went upstairs to play some Wii! ROFL. It was so funny. We looked like such idiots making Avatars as well. Rofl. I shall upload pics soon. Helen Nguyen's avatar looks like Lord Voldemort. It was freaking hilarious! Oh and I was trying to be under the radar this morning. I just ran to the Library at school and sat there by myself playing DS. Befriended an Aussie who sounded Scottish and yeah. Wasn't so bad spending time alone at school. Sometimes you just need to be alone.

Hrmm weekends soon. What shall I do this weekend?! Argh, I don't even know anymore. Maybe I should get drunk and send HIM a random text too. I was thinking of buying some alki because I got some nice Lemon/Lime drinks to mix it with :):) Omg and I miss my girlssss. Especially Shirl because I always bitch to her about everything. :(:(

Anyway blog again soon.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Frequent Posting!

Hello hello again!?
This is becoming a regular bad habit. But it's kinda sad because I'm not getting as many hits. Lol ><>

Anywho I last left you with my daily stress. And here I go again. No only kidding. For the rest of the week school was pretty much a breeze. Social wise. I've gotten to know my friends a bit more. And made one or two more. It's great actually. I figured that I have most of my breaks with Johnny. And I have quite a few with Charmaine. I can train it home with Ana, Charmaine and Kim. So the more the merrier. Then here and there I got some breaks with Kim and Linda which is probably the best because us ex-Marian girls can get some time together.
I got other friends too but during breaks, I try buddy up with MY PEOPLE so like 1. I get to know them better 2. More in my comfort zone, needless to say. 3. Don't need to be a loner on the train home. oh and 4. People from the west, seem to know people from the west. So there's heaps to talk about. My main new friends would be Kate, Monique, Farrah and Dominique. They're my buddy in a few of my classes. So I think that's pretty good. The people I've met from Orientation, I only say Hi! How are you? And the most I've spoken to was Charlotte. But it feels great to actually walk around an unknown place and actually have people to say Hi to when you're on campus. I also found out my friend's cousin is doing the same course as me. So I don't need to be a loner down the track :):) More about school. My physiology lectures, OMFG, gonna be scarred for life sooner or later. ANATOMY, EWW. Google it. You'll see. The first few pages of my text books ARGH.

Ok, next topic. Bitch if you read this! I MISS YOU! Damn it! I haven't seen you like in forever. I'm chatting to you now but yeah.

Far I clearly have no life. I don't have much to say except blog about school. Oh wait, I feel cool now. I actually met up with KWAN! my ex-tutor buddy back at NQT! Lol. Yup, we hung out for a bit before school (talk abt school again) and yeah. It was sooo nice to see him again. Yayy! Meeting again soon. :):) And Murphy came along too. I think Murph is quite fond of Tim Tam Chillers now. Lol. Then Thursday, I finished 30 minutes early. Wait, let me talk about school again. I had my first Chem tute. I was bored because I didn't wanna carry my heavy text book and I left it at home. I sat in my tutorial for 2 hrs doing nothing. But I finished the work at home beforehand :):) Then Chem Lab. Funniest lab class ever. For 10 whole minutes, everyone stood around not knowing what to do. But yeah, I ended up being the first one's to finish :):) YUP, then I went city. Met up with Helen Nguyen while she was on her break. I acquainted myself to her RMIT friends. Pretty nice kids :):) Then Hel & I went shopping with for a bit. And of course Murph tagged along. She bought a dress and I bought this shirt/dress thing. NICE :):) And yeah Hel had to go school. I waited and waited for MISS SENADEERA, BUT NOOOO she was still at school. So I went home :(:( YAH!

And in the news. Well apparently some man committed suicide at Tottenham station. How freaking scary?! :S:S I'm trying to search up on it but I can't find anything. I remember a few years ago, there was another accident at Tottenham as well. Me, Kim and Van were on the way home from the city. And it was a hot day as well. We ended up being delayed then had to catch the Werribee line to Footscray and then bus it to Sunshine. Far, and the train broke down after I said it would. LOL.

Oh at school, I befriended a Fob. I mean, International Student. Well she's from VN and lives in the same province as my dad's family sorta. Lol. And God damn it! Don't I look VIT-NA-MEE to you people! Aish, she was curious about where I was from. And EVEN astonished when I spoke two words in Viet. Yeah.

Right now, there's not actually anything I'm looking forward too. Mum's gonna be in hospital soon so things will get hard from then. Using my own initiative to catch the bus to and from school. Add another 30 minutes on my travel list. But it should be fine I hope. Umm yeah... I need a good dose of retail therapy right now. Life kinda sucks :(:( Or maybe a Girl's night in or out should be good :):)

Anyway, leave you to it.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sick and tired

Not literally. Just sick and tired of people. Ahhh, I just feel like locking myself away and block the world outside of me. But then again it wouldn't be any help. Well yeah, I realised that I can't sleep properly because all I do is stress. As soon as I try to fall asleep, I think of a new scenario and "dwell" on that. This cycle goes on for about an hour or 2 before I can actually fall into deep sleep.
And then you know how you wake up feeling refreshed, I don't get that feeling anymore. There's just too many things running through my mind that's stressing me out.
For starters: school is only gonna get harder. And travelling time drags a lot of this studying time out of my life. The workload is gonna build up if I don't get a crack onto things. And the pressures of passing the unit with a good grade and not just a pass.
Then mum's going to have her operation soon. So her 5 days in hospital, on top of possible months of recovery. Which means we would have to look after her and also care for my dad on top of that.
And then yeah, of course, the regrets I had in the past. You know the "What Ifs." The person I want to be there for me the most isn't really there anymore. And the one's I really confide in (not that there is many), well there's not much time with uni and studying on the agenda is there?! So yeah, one of my best mate's decided we should do random calls and a certain time :):) So I should do that soon buddy!!
Anywho, I should be reading Physiology notes right now. First proper lecture on the actual content tomorrow. And this is one of the subjects I want to do extremely well in because it's a Medical Subject. We're studying Human Anatomy and the Physiological processes of it. I think this course is more than I bargained for but it's GREAT! I am kind of enjoying school. Making new friends is a breeze. Keeping them, well uni only suggests that we make buddies for each class. And I do that! So my breaks are for MY PEOPLE! Lol. I'm great to be starting friendships with people from 4c. Again ><>

Man another thing that's pissing me off. You know how when a topic comes up and it's come up before right then you're only slightly touching on the topic to refresh the memory and the freaking person cuts you off and say yeah I know, I knowwwwwwwww. Far out. I listen to you fkn blab on all day about bullshit and you don't even stop for one second. And I didn't even bring the topic up. I was just adding along the lines to it. Far out. Pissed me off. *Breathe Helen breathe* So yeah. Argh and to think I wanted to be civil about everything.

Ok next topic. Well today I decided to head to school only. Only for the intention of going to Breadtop at Melb. Central and buying some snacks so I can eat it in my double lecture classes. It only took a few minutes so I decided to window shop for a bit and nearly missed my train to school. ><>

I was gonna go visit Jenssan and Eugene again. God damn it, I am so asian. I only wanna go for the freebees. LOL. Ok I hope they don't read this. ROFL. ><>

Ok, I'm just gonna cut it off right here before I talk anymore. I gotta get cracking on some Physiology shiz!


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Another blog

I'm not really creative with blog titles. lol. Well I'm kinda bored again. It's a quiet Saturday Night in for me. Noone seems to want to go Moomba. Two of the girls wanted to go but yeah. I didn't end up going with them. I have no money anyway so yeah. I should save!

Anywho, it's supposed to be a long weekend but according to all universities, Labour Day is NOT a Public holidays for university students. How gay is that?! Maybe I should make it my public holiday, seeing as I have a 1hr lecture on Monday, I could wag it and yeah. Sorry for the boring blogs lately. There isn't much to say except rant about school. My thumb hurts right now :(:( I was versing my brother in Street Fighter IV before. It's a pretty good game but seeing as I've never played PS3 before, I was not used to the controller. My shoulders were aching ><
So there you have it.

My Sony Vaio Laptop
Fujifilm Digital Camera
Ipod nano
And Mobile Phone.

I'm thinking about getting the RED LG Viewty. But I really like using my Nokias because I'm used to texting on them. (Space bar where the Zero button is, if you know what I mean)
I feel like watching some anime again. Dragging some Code Geass onto my laptop. And Gossip girl too. Gosh, remember new Eps on Tuesday :):)

Anywho, next time I blog, I'll try make my life sound more interesting.
Until then

I forgot to add stuff about my first Psychology lecture. In the last 20 minutes or so my lecturer bought out 3 bags on "controls." These controls are used like on Game shows on TV where the audience can poll to say Deal or No Deal. Or use different Options on Who wants to be a Millionaire. Well yeah, my lecturer purchased about 150 of these controls and we played a little multiple choice game with the controls. It was so interactive and fun. Great experience too. He's only trialling it right now but yeah it was a great way of learning. Hahaha.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I've been quite lazy these days. I really want to start studying at this point and get ahead in the year but far out internet addiction or something. Ever since I got this laptop as well. I'm really attached more than ever. But hopefully by week 2 of university I would be buckling down. Especially this weekend. I should be using it to read up on my lecture notes for the week and referring to my text books for extra guidance and respond to questions. But then again, I'm lazy. I might not even touch my school work. I'd take a glance and leave it as that. Sigh. I really should get a crack onto it. However, Moomba is on the weekend. I really want to go. I haven't been since let's say grade 3?? When I won like 27 toys in one day. I missed those days where my family would go out as a whole. But yeah. I don't have money left anyway. My brother gave me $40 to survive for 4 days. And after 2 days, my money has been drained. Partially my fault because I went out before and after school.
So Wednesday, Helen Nguyen and I never had lunch because we both ate before we left. We ended up taken photos as she suggested and then her freaking obsession with Skill Testers, drove more money out of my pockets. You know sparing a couple of dollars for your friend doesn't hurt but when you're feeding her addiction, omfg GG. Anywho, after her countless attempts of getting a Doraemon whatever you call it, she suggest we go Starbucks. GG, more money. I had a Chai Tea Latte :):) Gotta love that stuff. But the Starbucks dude. He must be death of something. He wrote Allen on my cup. And see as there was two Helen's in line, he should've atleast got one Helen correct. But no, he put us down as Allen. ><>
On another issue, mum's are pros, I swear. She was totally sussed when I was seeing this guy right. And she brings him up again recently. I was like "Umm yeah, we don't really talk anymore." She asked "Why?" And to my convenience I just said, "Oh yeah, he went VN for a bit so we lost contact." Phew.

Anywho, today I started late again. I ended up catching the train with Charmie and David Le. Far, I've barely been at school this. They cancelled my Chemistry tute so I came for my Chemistry Lab class which only ran for an hour today. To my surprise, my teacher assigned me Locker 77. And yes, Lucky 7's again. And yeah, my teacher seems scary because I don't know. He's a Chemical Engineer and he just seems uptight with everything. Like he's some sort of perfectionist or something. Meh, I don't know. And it looks like we would be doing our own practicals and not in groups and stuff. Oh GOD! I used to rig my titration pracs and everything. Add a few drops of stuff in, when I'm only supposed to add one. :S:S Uni just seems to weird and scary. But yeah I befriended two girls. Farah and Vy. Vy was like International Student from VN. She made me laugh. Because you know how asians are like over dramatic when it comes to being late. Yeah, she was late. And yeah it was pretty funny when she was explaining it to me. The class only went for an hour because it was an introductory.
After school, I went movies with Don and Shirley. Oh and I got donuts from Footscray too. I freaking sacrificed a tram just to get some donuts. Hehehe. We watched Unborn as planned. Man, I don't think I am made to watch Horror movies. Not because it's scary because I honestly don't get scared, but I never seem to understand the plot. Far I'm so slow. It took me 3 views of Skeleton Key until I kinda understood it. Yeah I don't recommend the Unborn. After the movie, I went to visit Gloria Jeans. Lol. Jenssan and Eugene were working and yeah. Jenssan made me my nametag, even though I don't work there anymore. Haha, I ended up helping out for a bit and walked away with 3 free drinks and 6 Gloria Jeans cards :D:D:D

So yeah, I'm still bored. Maybe I should get an early night. Catching the the early train tomorrow. Psych tute, Psych lecture, Stats & Research lecture then go home. Thank God, Physiology lecture is cancelled. And my two lectures are in the same room :):)

Anywho ciao bella


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Killing time before school

Currently at home, on the internet early because I don't actually start until 3:30pm today but I'm meeting Helen Nguyen for lunch earlier. But it's still early right now so I thought I'd write a blog before I head out.

So far the week has been a drag. Well not completely. School has started and I can't say it's been fun nor has it been a bore. I go to school, listen to introductory lectures and spend a lot of time in the Swinburne Atrium. Two days of school so far and I've only had 3 classes. I start late today because there's no Physiology Laboratory classes in the first week and I don't have it again next week because my Physiology Lab class is scheduled every fortnight and it wasn't scheduled for the next. So two weeks of no Lab for Phys. But anywho, it gives me a late start to the day. It's great actually, they cancelled my Chemistry tutorial and there's a introductory Chemistry lab which only goes for an hour meaning I leave 12:30pm on Thursday. In general, uni life is a bit weird. But I guess that all comes at a price of being a first year student. I'm lucky enough to have auto-allocated classes which I end up being with Kim at the end of the day (4 days a week) so I don't have to catch the train home by myself especially if it's Winter time and it's dark and scary. Anywho, I've also found out that Linda has the lunch break as me on a Tuesday. So Thank God. And to begin uni life, the mass amounts of books we have to buy. And how costly it is. And of course HOW HEAVY THEY ARE. My shoulders were killing me. God damn it. Luckily, we don't have to carry all our books to school all the time. Except my chemistry lecture said to bring it to my tutes and lectures ><>

Oh, I forgot to mention my driving lesson with my brother. Well, let's say I have never received so much verbal abuse in 1hr or so. My heart was so shattered to pieces by the end of the lesson. "OMFG HELEN ARE YOU STUPID! TURN! TURN! TURN! HOW HARD IS IT TO GET?" Clearly I was not getting it. In the end, he only found out that it was my second lesson driving. (First was with mum driving in a carpark) And so he apologized to me and said that i wasn't too bad for a first timer on the road. LMAO. Ahhhh man driving is so scary. You gotta focus on everything. Everyone around you, Speed-o-meter, controlling the car. ETC ETC ETC. So annoying. Looks like I'll only be driving at night. HAR HAR.

Anywho, Shirley's birthday was on Saturday night. It was a great fun night. Her friend Jacky flew in from Adelaide just to see her. How cute. Last time we all saw him was like New Years Eve. Anywho, most the girls came and it was a night filled with eating, drinking, singing, dancing and parking (playing at the park). And yeah it was an awesome night. It was great to see all the girls again even though I saw them two weeks ago. And it was great seeing those I haven't see in ages. I kinda missed my other girls who couldn't turn up. But yeah there's always other times :) Hrmm, the highlight would probably be singing happy birthday to Shirley when it hit 12am because it was her actual birthday. Even though there was a few of us left, it was still fun. We photowhored heaps that night. Far, I think I drank a little too much because every time I went to sit down, my head spun like crazy. But I was still thinking straight and walking straight, not tripping over or anything. LOL. And my face was still WHITE! Rofl. Photos are on facebook, through my account, Catherine's and Vivien's. I'm getting Helen Nguyen's one's later.

Yesterday going to school was fun. I bumped into Caroline and Dasha on the bus. And whilst at Sunshine, Maria P. joined us. Then when we were on the train, Van and Karren were there. Yes people KARREN :):):) And so we all caught up and then Caroline's bf came on too. Haha. It was like a mini Marian reunion, plus a few other people. But yeah most got off at Footscray and Karren and I got off at Flinders. But yeah it was sooo good to see her again. Got to make an outing for her to come too! Then to add to my good start to the day, I had lunch with Linda at school so yeah. Far, I miss Marian College. I miss my school dress too. How sad is that?! Rofl. What I don't miss is probably actually no. I was gonna say carrying text books to school but then again uni text books are twice as heavy and twice as expensive.

I think that's all I should write for today.
Ciao Bella

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Welcome to my new blog

Firstly this is my new blog site and my Myspace blog will now be inactive. And if you're a new reader of mine, I have been a blogger for quite a few years now. My first blog was with MSN spaces, then Myspace and now I am officially using a proper blogsite. So yeah.
I am finally blogging again atleast. But I'm not quite sure if anyone actually reads blogs anymore because everyone is always busy and stuff. But I guess blogging for me is to destress and of course, a place for my memories. So even if my readers aren't reading my blogs anymore, that's ok because it's more for me. And also for me to share. So yeah. Again, hello and welcome to my new blog.

I've been meaning to write a blog for ages now. So much has happened in the past few months, that I just wanted to write down in my previous blog but I cbf logging into Myspace because who uses Myspace nowadays anyway. It's all about FACEBOOK now. I guess I do prefer Facebook because it's more fresher and of course networking on it is much easier and better. Everyone uses Facebook so people who I don't usually talk to or I know are all there.

So you're all wondering where I thought of the name for my blog. Well I wanted something reflective for my blog. Using my real name or initials was plain and boring. So I thought I'd do the whole Use a cool Japanese name in my URL. I decided on Hime, because some of my friends refer to me as Hime or Princess, usually through IM, text etc. Or if you're like Murphy he actually calls me Hime. So yeah. Memoir's of Hime. Sounds like Memoirs of a Geisha but yeah. My idea derived from that anyway.
Another reason for wanted to blog is because I finally got my own laptop. Meaning, I have more reason to be blogging in my spare time. It feels more personalized if you know what I mean.

Anywho moving on.
Just for those who don't usually tune into my entries. I tend to blab on a lot of my daily life in detail. And surprisingly that's what attracts my readers. Or atleast I think that's why they tune in. Or just to listen to me bitch, which I tend to do quite often. Ahhh, I know. It's not good. But it's good venting and stuff.

I don't actually know where to start with my blog. Ok, let's talk about my laptop. I recently bought a Sony Vaio CS series in Red. It's so sexy and customized, you know. It's so ME! I feel so materialistic buying such things in red though. (Ipod, Phone, Camera and now Laptop) So anywho, where the hell did I come up with this money. Well, my parents recently came home from Vietnam because of my grandma's recent passing and my aunty (Dad's older sister) decided to be ultimately generous and gave me $2000 USD. Thank God to Australia's economy crisis, I ended up exchanging it for nearly $3000 AUD. I gave my siblings money because it was Jan/Feb and it was their birthdays. I still had more than enough left over. After weeks of searching, I stood firm with my initial choice and finally got the laptop I wanted. I got it for cheap too. $1650, marked down from $2199. So I'm super happy about my new laptop.

My life. Let's see. Well I went through a phase where I'm losing faith in everything. Religion especially. My parents went away because my grandma was ill so they had to rush off to Vietnam really quick. My grandma ended up passing away. But the thing that got to me was that my grandma was a person who devoted so much in her life especially to religion, yet she can die in such a painful way. And then another thing came up with my mum. I just got really upset how mum can remain so strong through all this and hold onto her faith. When I am so angry about all this. And the person I want there for me the most isn't there. However, I am forever greatful that I have the best group of friends as well who are there to support me through all this. The break ups, the deaths, the sickness etc. I love you girls/guys for that. I'll do a tribute to you soon.

But yeah, with all that life is great. I tried to look at all of this optimistically. Because of what one of my friend's said to me. I mean if you think about it, my life is great and it's just some small parts of my life that I have to deal with. So the best thing is to stay happy.

Another contribution to my happiness. Well not this bit but starting uni tomorrow. Something to look forward to but I'm super nervous. Aren't we all? But still ><>

Anywho I cannot be bothered writing anymore.
So I'm off.
Enjoy the first blog.