Anywho, it's supposed to be a long weekend but according to all universities, Labour Day is NOT a Public holidays for university students. How gay is that?! Maybe I should make it my public holiday, seeing as I have a 1hr lecture on Monday, I could wag it and yeah. Sorry for the boring blogs lately. There isn't much to say except rant about school. My thumb hurts right now :(:( I was versing my brother in Street Fighter IV before. It's a pretty good game but seeing as I've never played PS3 before, I was not used to the controller. My shoulders were aching ><
So there you have it.
My Sony Vaio Laptop
Fujifilm Digital Camera
Ipod nano
And Mobile Phone.
I'm thinking about getting the RED LG Viewty. But I really like using my Nokias because I'm used to texting on them. (Space bar where the Zero button is, if you know what I mean)
I feel like watching some anime again. Dragging some Code Geass onto my laptop. And Gossip girl too. Gosh, remember new Eps on Tuesday :):)
Anywho, next time I blog, I'll try make my life sound more interesting.
Until then
I forgot to add stuff about my first Psychology lecture. In the last 20 minutes or so my lecturer bought out 3 bags on "controls." These controls are used like on Game shows on TV where the audience can poll to say Deal or No Deal. Or use different Options on Who wants to be a Millionaire. Well yeah, my lecturer purchased about 150 of these controls and we played a little multiple choice game with the controls. It was so interactive and fun. Great experience too. He's only trialling it right now but yeah it was a great way of learning. Hahaha.
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