It's been another good week of procrastination with school. I'm hoping this one week of holidays would be filled with fun and of course heaps of studying squeezed in, seeing as I have done nothing for 6-7 weeks. I wish I could be more productive with my time. But it seems like Winter Term got the better of me and gave me no break at all from uni. So yeah, got heaps of catching up to do this second half of the semester before exams.
Anyway, it was a good week indeed. Started off with Monday. I had a late start to school because there was no Critical Thinking lecture. But for my Critical Thinking tute (which is straight after) I had to do my test. I could say I was thinking quite critically in that test and tried really hard. Let's hope I did everything right. Because I wanna maintain a good average for all my subjects. School was kinda boring too. But the week went by pretty fast I guess.
For the rest of the week, there was a lot of frustration over house hunting and search for land around this area I live in. I could say it's quite impossible to find cheap land in Sunshine. And the closest area would be Deer Park/Central Park or Derrimut/Brimbank Gardens. Well *fingers crossed* Kinda difficult when mother is obsessed with Feng Shui, Dad just says yes to everything he sees, sister and bro was arguing over he gets the biggest room etc etc. Me, well I just do the research and show mum which one's I like. Pretty much, the house we choose would be initially based on my ideas :):) But it's rather difficult with the rising stats in the western suburbs and all.
Wednesday night was nice. Vivien and Kenny organised a surprise birthday dinner for Vi at Lazy Moe's! We waited for like everrrrrr for them to arrive. But the surprise was kind of ruined when Vi walked passed the window anyway. As she walked in ... we only kinda muttered surprise but yeah it was pretty funny. Every tank asses had a dish to themselves except Helbot & I. We shared. Louie tried his best to finish his Moe's BBQ. And if he finished it he would get a free drink. Despite not finishing it (18 chips left) he still got his free drink. The service was great because they were patient with us and gave us free drinks as well. Following dinner, we had some cake that Leena, Don and I got. We headed off to Highpoint because some people wanted to play games. I guess I was kinda glad Playtime was closed because I did not want to play games. We ended up going to 9th Avenue for pool. But only some of them were playing. Came home to watch Project Runway Australia. Anthony Capon won! I knew he was gonna win from the start from just looking at his crazy styles!

Why I loved Anthony Capron from the start? Well simple. He had this obsession for frills and bows. *Coughs* Err me too! As you can see from the first photo that's his entry photo I think. And you can already sense from him that he will be a crazy designer with bizarre pieces.
Last night I went to Tuan's party. Tuan is Anthony's little bro, whom I do not very well. But whateverrr, it was a pretty awesome party. The girls and I got Tuan to photowhore with us. And it was pretty hilarious. Anth got so drunk, he started throwing up. And just watching the look on his mother's face was funny. I also found out that my mum knew Anthony's mum because mother and I went temple that morning and mum's like oh that lady lives near us at this address. And I said, Oh I'm going to a party there tonight ... LOL. Ever funnier was when my aunty walked in and I'm like HI AUNTY!! LOL. Errr, most random thing ever! But yeah, highlight of my night ... well let's keep thar disclosed. Hahahaha. I had two good D&M's which was nice. Especially with people I'm not close too and stuff.
Anyway currently:
Eating: Hello Panda Biscuits
Listening to: Ave Maria & Broken hearted girl by Beyonce

Photos are all from Google :)