I'm on my way to finishing first year! Hell yeah! But so many obstacles on the way. That is, my Critical Thinking essay is due on Monday. I'm blogging and have barely made progress at all. I will remain optimistic whatsoever. There's exams around the corner as well. I would be starting SWOT VAC as of Monday. And is doomed to fail exams. Muahahahahaha. Ok, not so good! But this time I'm aiming for a pass. But never know, I aimed for a pass last semester, and walked out with 2x credits and 2 distinctions. But I don't think I'm getting anywhere, considering that I have barely done anything all semester. Still failing to start studying. But better late than never right?
I received my mark for the Psychology lab report that I've written. And I was pretty pleased to look at the criteria and see a lot of D's and HD marks. I flipped my page over, to find that I got an 80% mark! Woo! About time too. Because if I plan on doing Honours or Phd, I will get no where with my thesis if I can barely attain 70% on my lab reports. But yeah, pretty stoked! And the whole time I was trying to write that report, I was on facebook 75% of the time. GG!
Haha, there's so much to say about school! It's been quite a bland semester. Like I said, Winter school drained me so bad. And now I can't get back on track. I think it's quite difficult, trying to manage 2 jobs and school. But it is manageable, if I wasn't so lazy.
So let's talk about work.
Well NQT is on and off bad days. Sometimes my class is too big and I get frustrated because they're always asking for help when I'm trying to work 1 on 1 with a slower student. I had to move into another class at Braybrook and now I'm teaching grade 4, 5 and 6's in the morning. But for some reason, the work correction seems more difficult -_-" I am glad that the class the pretty smart because the previous tutor whipped them so freaking hard. They were so scared of her.
Ahhh and the Chemist. I am bound to get fired sooner or later. Hahaha. It's been a month since I've started (and since I've blogged ... and ... him) there and some days are good and some days are just horrible. My boss has quite a smart mouth but can be nice when he wants to. He yaps all day long and tries to flirt with young customers. It's not difficult working there, but you just kinda have to self guide yourself around. Learn things at your own pace. But that pace is quite slow because my mind is always preoccupied with something else. Also, the freaky customers that come in because it is a chemist after all. And middle age males who buy viagra. Eww *shivers* ... Then there's the other pharmacist, who's married to Thy (this youth worker I knew back in the day) and he's JUST MAJORLY SCARY. The other day, I miscommunicated with the customer because I can't put through Gold Card special transactions. And the lady said I just walked off. The pharmacist looks at me *full on greases* and said Communicate with the customer properly. Then a few seconds later I walked off to serve other customers and he said it again with a SCARY SCARY FACE. And the reason it's scary is because he's SO DAMN HUGE. Looks like he's gonna bite my head off.
Other than that, the chemist isn't so bad. I work with two of my friends and some days. And there's a lot of standing around and doing nothing/ or atleast pretend you're trying to do something.
Ok, work and school covered. Now umm, social life?
Not that I have much of a social life at the moment but Mr Loverboy and I are on our "seeing status" now. Yeah, I had no idea where we were at because we barely saw each other and spoke on a minimal basis for a few weeks. However, he did tell his friends that we were "seeing" again. So, I guess I'll take it at that. It's been really good between us. Talking and texting. And no fighting so far, so that's good. I did get to see him a few weeks ago. We went to the park and talked about general stuff then watched a movie at Crown. We watched Mao's Last Dance, which was pretty ok. He drove me home afterwards :) But yeah we still need to have that "talk." Ahh.. anyway..
And I finally had my first clubbing experience. LAWL! It wasn't too bad and I did have a good, tipsy night. It was for my friend's birthday. We were meant to go Eve, but ended up Chasers haha. Pretty funny night because some of Hong's friends couldn't get into Eve because of their hair. And we were actually in front of the queue and the guys were blaming my bad luck because of the Seven experience a few months back. Anyway, got to Chasers and downed two shots within 5 minutes. Damn Trang >< Then Alice made me drink even more. I also got picked up in the first 10 minutes I was there. This random girl comes up to me and I really thought she was someone I knew back in the day. But she was asking if I was interested in her friend and if I was single, because he was kind of keen on me. Lol. Anyway, I declined and just stood around. Then Alice told me to go with her to find a friend on the dancefloor and like the guy stopped me and said "let me buy you a drink.." and I said no. Then Alice pushed him. Haha. Kinda glad my first experience was fun and everyone was looking out for me. And I fell on some girl and she was ready to pounce on me but lucky my friend knew her and told her not to because I'm nice. Haha.
Anyway, I said that would be my first and last. But I just feel like drinking again. HAR HAR
There's a few birthdays coming up, but I'm scared to fail my exams :(:( Might have to give most of them a miss.
Anyway, enough from me because I need to finish this essay.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Irony Of Things
The previous blog I wrote was titled Life is complete? To be honest, I kind of thought it was more like it made me feel more whole that usual. Like more stabilize than I have been throughout the year. I am person who doesn't like dramatic change and after that second job came in, I thought that's it. It's going to be like this for the next few months of my life. No fickleness.
However, I spoke to soon. The one person I've been wanting for so long decides to step back in my life, making me feel unstable again and made me feel as if I have to adjust my lifestyle again. For a day or two, I was contemplating heaps about this and there was a lot of stuff leaning towards the cons.
The WHAT IFs? I guess in the end, I chose what my heart desired most, which was my second chance. But there's always that part where, that second chance won't work out and I would just end up where I was a few months ago. But I need to remain optimistic about everything. Just about life in general I guess.
I guess my theory has been worked against
However, I spoke to soon. The one person I've been wanting for so long decides to step back in my life, making me feel unstable again and made me feel as if I have to adjust my lifestyle again. For a day or two, I was contemplating heaps about this and there was a lot of stuff leaning towards the cons.
The WHAT IFs? I guess in the end, I chose what my heart desired most, which was my second chance. But there's always that part where, that second chance won't work out and I would just end up where I was a few months ago. But I need to remain optimistic about everything. Just about life in general I guess.
I guess my theory has been worked against
Saturday, October 3, 2009
*Insert Creative Title* - Life is complete?
It's been another slacking few weeks for me but I would say it's been enjoyable. I've finally begun my exercising regime, which I started out pretty strong but now I am just in pain. I've stuck to my goal of actually going for a nice run! And it was great. I ran without stopping and surprisingly I made it out to about 15-20 minutes. I also played Basketball with a few acquaintances who I hopefully can call friends now because I intend on playing more sports with them on regular sporting days. But yeah everything has been great since I've been physically active than usual.
And to answer to my blog title. Is it? Well, I told myself and the LORD above that if I got my second job then I am going to focus on working and studying hard more than anything else. Oh I really need to explain what happened.
Ok, so what happened was I finally decided to apply at that Chemist. Two days later, I received a call, asking if I could work on Mondays and Fridays. I obviously couldn't work the full day because of school so I had to decline that offer. But the lady said they were short staffed for those days anyway, so HELLO, I'm the best you can find! But anyway, she called my back the following day anyway asking if I could work according to my listed availabilities which is like half day shifts. And I said Yes! So yeah, I'm pretty happy that they've called me back. I might not be their favourite because I sound all picky and shit but yeah SCHOOL first man. But yeah back to my point, two jobs mean I should be on the ball with time management and everything. I mean I got what I've asked for and I have to promise myself that I would stick to it.
Anywho, I've found that I have been so uncomfortable in my own body for this past year. Especially when I go clothes shopping. Trying on clothes and staring back at the mirror saying I LOOK FAT! OH MY FREAKING GOSH! I was going insane to be honest. But yeah, I had a huge rage about the clothes I buy anyway. Sister tends to damage everything I own. Eg. Clothes, she gets bleach stains all over it; Shoes she tends to drag her feet when she walks so the shoes get worn out faster -_-"
So yeah. Got to catch up with some peeps again. Tuesday, went for lunch with Helbot, Anthbot and Muppiez. We just sat in MC food court lusting after rich kids on MTV -_-" Then yeah. Left after Hel and Anth went to class.
Also caught up with a few of the girls today when went for lunch at Lazy Moe's. Yep again! But it was good. After that, some of us headed to hp for some shopping. Well it ended up being Muppiez, David, Phuong and I. But it was alright. I had a good time. Also they cannot stopping bagging me about a particular person. Aish! Phuong was so proud of me because I told her that I started talking to ************* And yeah -_-" Found a few items that I liked but might perhaps go back there tomorrow.
Oh gosh today MOTHER thought she was so funny. HAR HAR. She asked who was gonna take me to Lazy Moe's. I told her Tony Kim was. Then she's like "What happened to ******?" And I'm like ERR, I told you last time we don't talk anymore. Then she's like "Oh so been hanging with any other guys lately?" Ahh so random.
I think that's all I'm meant to write. Sorry no pictures this time because I cannot be bothered. SO GOODBYE
And to answer to my blog title. Is it? Well, I told myself and the LORD above that if I got my second job then I am going to focus on working and studying hard more than anything else. Oh I really need to explain what happened.
Ok, so what happened was I finally decided to apply at that Chemist. Two days later, I received a call, asking if I could work on Mondays and Fridays. I obviously couldn't work the full day because of school so I had to decline that offer. But the lady said they were short staffed for those days anyway, so HELLO, I'm the best you can find! But anyway, she called my back the following day anyway asking if I could work according to my listed availabilities which is like half day shifts. And I said Yes! So yeah, I'm pretty happy that they've called me back. I might not be their favourite because I sound all picky and shit but yeah SCHOOL first man. But yeah back to my point, two jobs mean I should be on the ball with time management and everything. I mean I got what I've asked for and I have to promise myself that I would stick to it.
Anywho, I've found that I have been so uncomfortable in my own body for this past year. Especially when I go clothes shopping. Trying on clothes and staring back at the mirror saying I LOOK FAT! OH MY FREAKING GOSH! I was going insane to be honest. But yeah, I had a huge rage about the clothes I buy anyway. Sister tends to damage everything I own. Eg. Clothes, she gets bleach stains all over it; Shoes she tends to drag her feet when she walks so the shoes get worn out faster -_-"
So yeah. Got to catch up with some peeps again. Tuesday, went for lunch with Helbot, Anthbot and Muppiez. We just sat in MC food court lusting after rich kids on MTV -_-" Then yeah. Left after Hel and Anth went to class.
Also caught up with a few of the girls today when went for lunch at Lazy Moe's. Yep again! But it was good. After that, some of us headed to hp for some shopping. Well it ended up being Muppiez, David, Phuong and I. But it was alright. I had a good time. Also they cannot stopping bagging me about a particular person. Aish! Phuong was so proud of me because I told her that I started talking to ************* And yeah -_-" Found a few items that I liked but might perhaps go back there tomorrow.
Oh gosh today MOTHER thought she was so funny. HAR HAR. She asked who was gonna take me to Lazy Moe's. I told her Tony Kim was. Then she's like "What happened to ******?" And I'm like ERR, I told you last time we don't talk anymore. Then she's like "Oh so been hanging with any other guys lately?" Ahh so random.
I think that's all I'm meant to write. Sorry no pictures this time because I cannot be bothered. SO GOODBYE
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Term break
As promised, I'm writing a proper blog today.
It's been another good week of procrastination with school. I'm hoping this one week of holidays would be filled with fun and of course heaps of studying squeezed in, seeing as I have done nothing for 6-7 weeks. I wish I could be more productive with my time. But it seems like Winter Term got the better of me and gave me no break at all from uni. So yeah, got heaps of catching up to do this second half of the semester before exams.
Anyway, it was a good week indeed. Started off with Monday. I had a late start to school because there was no Critical Thinking lecture. But for my Critical Thinking tute (which is straight after) I had to do my test. I could say I was thinking quite critically in that test and tried really hard. Let's hope I did everything right. Because I wanna maintain a good average for all my subjects. School was kinda boring too. But the week went by pretty fast I guess.
For the rest of the week, there was a lot of frustration over house hunting and search for land around this area I live in. I could say it's quite impossible to find cheap land in Sunshine. And the closest area would be Deer Park/Central Park or Derrimut/Brimbank Gardens. Well *fingers crossed* Kinda difficult when mother is obsessed with Feng Shui, Dad just says yes to everything he sees, sister and bro was arguing over he gets the biggest room etc etc. Me, well I just do the research and show mum which one's I like. Pretty much, the house we choose would be initially based on my ideas :):) But it's rather difficult with the rising stats in the western suburbs and all.
Wednesday night was nice. Vivien and Kenny organised a surprise birthday dinner for Vi at Lazy Moe's! We waited for like everrrrrr for them to arrive. But the surprise was kind of ruined when Vi walked passed the window anyway. As she walked in ... we only kinda muttered surprise but yeah it was pretty funny. Every tank asses had a dish to themselves except Helbot & I. We shared. Louie tried his best to finish his Moe's BBQ. And if he finished it he would get a free drink. Despite not finishing it (18 chips left) he still got his free drink. The service was great because they were patient with us and gave us free drinks as well. Following dinner, we had some cake that Leena, Don and I got. We headed off to Highpoint because some people wanted to play games. I guess I was kinda glad Playtime was closed because I did not want to play games. We ended up going to 9th Avenue for pool. But only some of them were playing. Came home to watch Project Runway Australia. Anthony Capon won! I knew he was gonna win from the start from just looking at his crazy styles!
Above: Anthony Capron, Winner of Project Runway Australia 2
Above: Dress from Wk 11. Love the drapings on this dress and the colour :)
Why I loved Anthony Capron from the start? Well simple. He had this obsession for frills and bows. *Coughs* Err me too! As you can see from the first photo that's his entry photo I think. And you can already sense from him that he will be a crazy designer with bizarre pieces.
Last night I went to Tuan's party. Tuan is Anthony's little bro, whom I do not very well. But whateverrr, it was a pretty awesome party. The girls and I got Tuan to photowhore with us. And it was pretty hilarious. Anth got so drunk, he started throwing up. And just watching the look on his mother's face was funny. I also found out that my mum knew Anthony's mum because mother and I went temple that morning and mum's like oh that lady lives near us at this address. And I said, Oh I'm going to a party there tonight ... LOL. Ever funnier was when my aunty walked in and I'm like HI AUNTY!! LOL. Errr, most random thing ever! But yeah, highlight of my night ... well let's keep thar disclosed. Hahahaha. I had two good D&M's which was nice. Especially with people I'm not close too and stuff.
Anyway currently:
Eating: Hello Panda Biscuits

Listening to: Ave Maria & Broken hearted girl by Beyonce

Photos are all from Google :)
It's been another good week of procrastination with school. I'm hoping this one week of holidays would be filled with fun and of course heaps of studying squeezed in, seeing as I have done nothing for 6-7 weeks. I wish I could be more productive with my time. But it seems like Winter Term got the better of me and gave me no break at all from uni. So yeah, got heaps of catching up to do this second half of the semester before exams.
Anyway, it was a good week indeed. Started off with Monday. I had a late start to school because there was no Critical Thinking lecture. But for my Critical Thinking tute (which is straight after) I had to do my test. I could say I was thinking quite critically in that test and tried really hard. Let's hope I did everything right. Because I wanna maintain a good average for all my subjects. School was kinda boring too. But the week went by pretty fast I guess.
For the rest of the week, there was a lot of frustration over house hunting and search for land around this area I live in. I could say it's quite impossible to find cheap land in Sunshine. And the closest area would be Deer Park/Central Park or Derrimut/Brimbank Gardens. Well *fingers crossed* Kinda difficult when mother is obsessed with Feng Shui, Dad just says yes to everything he sees, sister and bro was arguing over he gets the biggest room etc etc. Me, well I just do the research and show mum which one's I like. Pretty much, the house we choose would be initially based on my ideas :):) But it's rather difficult with the rising stats in the western suburbs and all.
Wednesday night was nice. Vivien and Kenny organised a surprise birthday dinner for Vi at Lazy Moe's! We waited for like everrrrrr for them to arrive. But the surprise was kind of ruined when Vi walked passed the window anyway. As she walked in ... we only kinda muttered surprise but yeah it was pretty funny. Every tank asses had a dish to themselves except Helbot & I. We shared. Louie tried his best to finish his Moe's BBQ. And if he finished it he would get a free drink. Despite not finishing it (18 chips left) he still got his free drink. The service was great because they were patient with us and gave us free drinks as well. Following dinner, we had some cake that Leena, Don and I got. We headed off to Highpoint because some people wanted to play games. I guess I was kinda glad Playtime was closed because I did not want to play games. We ended up going to 9th Avenue for pool. But only some of them were playing. Came home to watch Project Runway Australia. Anthony Capon won! I knew he was gonna win from the start from just looking at his crazy styles!

Why I loved Anthony Capron from the start? Well simple. He had this obsession for frills and bows. *Coughs* Err me too! As you can see from the first photo that's his entry photo I think. And you can already sense from him that he will be a crazy designer with bizarre pieces.
Last night I went to Tuan's party. Tuan is Anthony's little bro, whom I do not very well. But whateverrr, it was a pretty awesome party. The girls and I got Tuan to photowhore with us. And it was pretty hilarious. Anth got so drunk, he started throwing up. And just watching the look on his mother's face was funny. I also found out that my mum knew Anthony's mum because mother and I went temple that morning and mum's like oh that lady lives near us at this address. And I said, Oh I'm going to a party there tonight ... LOL. Ever funnier was when my aunty walked in and I'm like HI AUNTY!! LOL. Errr, most random thing ever! But yeah, highlight of my night ... well let's keep thar disclosed. Hahahaha. I had two good D&M's which was nice. Especially with people I'm not close too and stuff.
Anyway currently:
Eating: Hello Panda Biscuits
Listening to: Ave Maria & Broken hearted girl by Beyonce

Photos are all from Google :)
Anthony Capron,
Hello Pandas,
lazy moe's,
Project Runway Australia,
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Hime's must have CLOTHES
The Chiffon Frilly Blouse/Dress

Vintage Blazer
Denim Vest
Preferably highwaisted & has this certain type of frilly-ness to it

Many loved styles from the Sportsgirl website
Above: I really love the red shirt in ... but expensive :(
Above: I would mind spending the price on that dress and jacket. Great combination together. But so expensive.
Above: The Jumpsuits! I am a big big big big fan of jumpsuits! It's a great where and looks cute as! It would be great if I had this in micro-florals or denim!
I think this pretty much sums up what I wanna wear this Spring/Summer!
Florals and Denim especially mixed and matched together. Or checkered and denim is great together as well!
Many of these items are found on Ebay, Valleygirl and Sportsgirl.
The Chiffon dress and Vintage Blazer are two items I have been "watching" on eBay for so long. I'm too scared to purchase because it might be crappy. Since I had a bad experience with the silk cocktail dress.
Blog again soon.

Vintage Blazer

Preferably highwaisted & has this certain type of frilly-ness to it

- Microfloral skirt - so hard to find. I'd upload a photo for the exact styles I want but it would kinda be like copyrighted because many the pictures I've got is from my inspiration fashion website lookbook.nu.
- Denim skirt - I'm have this strange denim fetish
Many loved styles from the Sportsgirl website

I think this pretty much sums up what I wanna wear this Spring/Summer!
Florals and Denim especially mixed and matched together. Or checkered and denim is great together as well!
Many of these items are found on Ebay, Valleygirl and Sportsgirl.
The Chiffon dress and Vintage Blazer are two items I have been "watching" on eBay for so long. I'm too scared to purchase because it might be crappy. Since I had a bad experience with the silk cocktail dress.
Blog again soon.
The Helen Do Must Haves SHOES!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Friday Night Blogs
Oh I really need to find something to do then blog fornightly. It's quite impossible to even go out late on a Friday night anymore because I have work early the next day but I guess I can settle for Saturday night. Everything just seems more fun on Friday nights.
So what have I been up to lately. Let me just go over my last blog to see what I haven't written.
Hrmm, I haven't really got up to much. Lately the way I spend time with my friends is through arranging luncheons with them. The other week was with Helen and Leena chums where we went to Stalactites. I mentioned it briefly in the other blog but yeah. That day, I bumped into Ly while waiting for Hel and Chums. While our chats, we saw Bao. And we chatted til everyone's friends came.
Anyway, life's been a tad confusing after a new person enters. You know, I have a decision between a WOW or a WOH? But I really don't wanna persist in anything because I want to keep everything highly professional. But damn guys can be so cute and tempting, especially if they're so so so pretty and SMARTTTTT! Man I dig guys with intellect and looks. Bahahahaha
Dayummmm. Last week I was waiting for the bus with my workmate. This was one of our convos.
D: That car was hot!
H: Meh, average
D: What's good in a car to you then?
H: Has to be pretty ... and have all the specs ...
D: Sounds like your description of a guy ... I wonder what kind of car "other" D has?
H: Shut up! I don't even like him.
It's funny how people pick up these things. I don't know whether friends are bagging me for the fun of it but yeah it's so embarassing. Makes me feel so shy... (Shirl bags me for being shy ahaha)
Anyway, last weekend was good because I got to see "DUDE" again. Just really shy to talk to him full on. HAHAHA. Anywho, I found out that he lives in my area and maybe within proximity as well. However I feel bad if I ditch Maggie and David because we've been training it together every week since I've worked at NQT. Hrmphh. It's got my mind a lot off "HIM" which was pretty good. Ahhh enough about boys.
Monday night, yes Monday night, how fkn gay. Anywho, Donna organised a Girls Night Out. So here's how the night panned out. We were supposed to meet at 6pm however we waited up to 6:45pm for Donna (ORGANISER) and Helen to come before we headed off for dinner. We had dinner at Cho Gao. Pretty nice atmosphere, chairs were a bit hard and stuff but the food (well the dish Shirl and I shared) was good. Some other foods that the girls ordered wasn't that nice. The night ended pretty early with a long but fun car ride home. I enjoyed the night so yeah. I was disappointed that everyone couldn't come. And even Donna thought noone would go. Then again, who goes out on a Monday night anyway unless it was really important ...
For the rest of the week I've been working on my Psychology report. It's only a 600 word literature review, included with a table/figure. However, I have extended it so much over the week, it's not funny anymore. Procrastinating with Facebook and eBay. It's bloody terrible. Anywho, I managed to do a paragraph a day -_-" But I don't think it's top notch so I gotta spend what time I have left to refine everything.
Oh, it was supposed to be the highlight my week but it was a rather disappointment no disrespect or anything. I got the privileged to touch and feel a REAL LIFE HUMAN BRAIN! Yep, I held it, poked at it and felt it in my hands. It had that hard feeling because of preserving it for so many years. I really wanted to touch a brand new brain where it was squishy and something I'd say EWW to and get put off by it. But nah it was hard as clay. LOL. Due to respect of science and to that human, we couldn't take photos. WHICE reminds me I should really be a true bloggist and start adding photos to my blog. Really CBB.
Anyway, weekends again. I'm looking forward to Sunday. Oh and tmr should be good too. I'm gonna go watch UP with some friends in 3D (y)
Nighty night.
So what have I been up to lately. Let me just go over my last blog to see what I haven't written.
Hrmm, I haven't really got up to much. Lately the way I spend time with my friends is through arranging luncheons with them. The other week was with Helen and Leena chums where we went to Stalactites. I mentioned it briefly in the other blog but yeah. That day, I bumped into Ly while waiting for Hel and Chums. While our chats, we saw Bao. And we chatted til everyone's friends came.
Anyway, life's been a tad confusing after a new person enters. You know, I have a decision between a WOW or a WOH? But I really don't wanna persist in anything because I want to keep everything highly professional. But damn guys can be so cute and tempting, especially if they're so so so pretty and SMARTTTTT! Man I dig guys with intellect and looks. Bahahahaha
Dayummmm. Last week I was waiting for the bus with my workmate. This was one of our convos.
D: That car was hot!
H: Meh, average
D: What's good in a car to you then?
H: Has to be pretty ... and have all the specs ...
D: Sounds like your description of a guy ... I wonder what kind of car "other" D has?
H: Shut up! I don't even like him.
It's funny how people pick up these things. I don't know whether friends are bagging me for the fun of it but yeah it's so embarassing. Makes me feel so shy... (Shirl bags me for being shy ahaha)
Anyway, last weekend was good because I got to see "DUDE" again. Just really shy to talk to him full on. HAHAHA. Anywho, I found out that he lives in my area and maybe within proximity as well. However I feel bad if I ditch Maggie and David because we've been training it together every week since I've worked at NQT. Hrmphh. It's got my mind a lot off "HIM" which was pretty good. Ahhh enough about boys.
Monday night, yes Monday night, how fkn gay. Anywho, Donna organised a Girls Night Out. So here's how the night panned out. We were supposed to meet at 6pm however we waited up to 6:45pm for Donna (ORGANISER) and Helen to come before we headed off for dinner. We had dinner at Cho Gao. Pretty nice atmosphere, chairs were a bit hard and stuff but the food (well the dish Shirl and I shared) was good. Some other foods that the girls ordered wasn't that nice. The night ended pretty early with a long but fun car ride home. I enjoyed the night so yeah. I was disappointed that everyone couldn't come. And even Donna thought noone would go. Then again, who goes out on a Monday night anyway unless it was really important ...
For the rest of the week I've been working on my Psychology report. It's only a 600 word literature review, included with a table/figure. However, I have extended it so much over the week, it's not funny anymore. Procrastinating with Facebook and eBay. It's bloody terrible. Anywho, I managed to do a paragraph a day -_-" But I don't think it's top notch so I gotta spend what time I have left to refine everything.
Oh, it was supposed to be the highlight my week but it was a rather disappointment no disrespect or anything. I got the privileged to touch and feel a REAL LIFE HUMAN BRAIN! Yep, I held it, poked at it and felt it in my hands. It had that hard feeling because of preserving it for so many years. I really wanted to touch a brand new brain where it was squishy and something I'd say EWW to and get put off by it. But nah it was hard as clay. LOL. Due to respect of science and to that human, we couldn't take photos. WHICE reminds me I should really be a true bloggist and start adding photos to my blog. Really CBB.
Anyway, weekends again. I'm looking forward to Sunday. Oh and tmr should be good too. I'm gonna go watch UP with some friends in 3D (y)
Nighty night.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Missing the old days
Looking back this past year, the most reoccuring line I have used is "I miss Marian." Well don't we all? I love uni life, sorta. But I love Marian life, better. Everyday I'd get up and have the same routine. Brush my teeth, get dressed, eat brekky then get ready for school. Leave at like 8:30am and still be able to get to school on time. (Homeroom at 8:35am). I love the fact that I used to live near school and just get out of bed as late as I wanted to. I really miss school uniform as well. You know, the summer dress which I loved. I purchased the new style dress which was button up and had pleats in it. Much "cuter" than the zip up one, which I ended up giving to Phuong because her old one was so short. The Blue Jumpers when we were oh so young. Then the Red Jumpers which I began to love and cherish. There was also the Winter Uniform that I miss too. I don't know what was nicer. The winter uniform with white socks or opaque black stockings. Hrmph, strange thing to blog but anywho.
Of course most of all I miss seeing my friends every day. I recently went to Maria Parapouras's going away party. Most of the girls that I began my Marian journey (starting from 9 Brigid) with was there. It was such a fun night. But also seeing that a lot of people have changed since year 12 have finished. Like bad habits of smoking. It was a good night because I caught up with my mate who I haven't really spoken to properly in ages. Best D&M in ages. It made me realise how much I miss my time at Ardeer Campus as well, as shitty as it was. Lol.
Today made me take a step back even further. I saw my brother's old old primary friend on the train. And we had a brief conversation. It made me think heaps again. Like how when we were younger, we used to ride our bikes, literally everyday. I used to go bike riding all the time. Lap around my block atleast 4 times before going home. Go jogging in my backyard and playing with my dog. Then going inside after hours playing outside. Those times were the best.
Now that uni is here, or has been for the last 6-7 months, it feels like life just keeps speeding up and I got my life in fast forward. Sometimes you just want to take the remote control and press pause, and just let life slow down. It's amazing how time just goes so fast now.
Lately I've been watching One Tree Hill, dedicatedly. From season 4 to 5, you see the transition of each character as it fast tracks 4 years into the future when they are all grown up in season 5. It's made me think a lot. Where would I be in 4 years time? Let alone 10 years, which is when I plan on leaving uni (at this rate anyway). But still. Will my friends still be my friends? Because in OTH they are.
Ok, I think my blog is depressing as it is. -_-" I've been going pretty strong over the past month. I'm more optimistic about everything. It's just hearing his name a lot gets me down. And the occasional bump into his friends as well. Kinda sucks, but I guess they're still friendly. Then there was Aaron who just had to bring another thing up that got me upset but all good, all good.
Another thing to mention. I finally got my Blood Donor's card! I found out that I'm an A POS! A+, definitely! Haha. Anywho, Cat and Helen got me into this whole Blood type and personality thing. While I was out with Leena and Hel, we searched it up and strangely enough a lot of it matched my personality. So here I have a new obsession. I really want to find a book on it. LOL.
Anyway, until next time.
Of course most of all I miss seeing my friends every day. I recently went to Maria Parapouras's going away party. Most of the girls that I began my Marian journey (starting from 9 Brigid) with was there. It was such a fun night. But also seeing that a lot of people have changed since year 12 have finished. Like bad habits of smoking. It was a good night because I caught up with my mate who I haven't really spoken to properly in ages. Best D&M in ages. It made me realise how much I miss my time at Ardeer Campus as well, as shitty as it was. Lol.
Today made me take a step back even further. I saw my brother's old old primary friend on the train. And we had a brief conversation. It made me think heaps again. Like how when we were younger, we used to ride our bikes, literally everyday. I used to go bike riding all the time. Lap around my block atleast 4 times before going home. Go jogging in my backyard and playing with my dog. Then going inside after hours playing outside. Those times were the best.
Now that uni is here, or has been for the last 6-7 months, it feels like life just keeps speeding up and I got my life in fast forward. Sometimes you just want to take the remote control and press pause, and just let life slow down. It's amazing how time just goes so fast now.
Lately I've been watching One Tree Hill, dedicatedly. From season 4 to 5, you see the transition of each character as it fast tracks 4 years into the future when they are all grown up in season 5. It's made me think a lot. Where would I be in 4 years time? Let alone 10 years, which is when I plan on leaving uni (at this rate anyway). But still. Will my friends still be my friends? Because in OTH they are.
Ok, I think my blog is depressing as it is. -_-" I've been going pretty strong over the past month. I'm more optimistic about everything. It's just hearing his name a lot gets me down. And the occasional bump into his friends as well. Kinda sucks, but I guess they're still friendly. Then there was Aaron who just had to bring another thing up that got me upset but all good, all good.
Another thing to mention. I finally got my Blood Donor's card! I found out that I'm an A POS! A+, definitely! Haha. Anywho, Cat and Helen got me into this whole Blood type and personality thing. While I was out with Leena and Hel, we searched it up and strangely enough a lot of it matched my personality. So here I have a new obsession. I really want to find a book on it. LOL.
Anyway, until next time.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Anticipated weekend
Phew it's Friday night. I've been waiting for the weekend to come because I was feeling nostalgic and wanted to go back to work. Mainly because my job finally feels stable and I don't have to wait on call for my boss to tell me when I work and when I don't work. Now I just rock up :)
So now I'm working Saturdays at Braybrook all day and afternoons on Sunday at St Albans.
But yeah, it means that I have to miss out on majority of Van's cake day :(:( I should be greatful that I am at Braybrook on Saturday because the park is close by. So even if it's 5 minutes with my friends, then let it be 5 minutes :( Ok, small exaggeration, atleast 30-45 minutes. It should be a good day. Lovely cakes with my friends and lovely time. And work with bratty kids in the morning. And slightly better class in the arvo!
Hopefully tmr night I will also be going to Maria Parapouras's going away party. Maria's one of my highschool buddies who got a scholarship to play tennis in America. So yeah farewell party organised by her best friends. It should be a good night because I haven't seen these Marian girls in ages.
So all week, my studying regime did not even happen. I was really hoping that all my free time would go to studying but ideally it does not happen. Monday, went to Camberwell to shop. Tuesday, shop again. Wednesday, Murphy's house so he can install stuff on my laptop but spent a lot of time watching Steven playing Dota. Thursday, tried studying at the library, however went home and slept. Then today had school in the late arvo so yeah. I don't mind this late afternoon class. Today, the class went so fast because this lecturer has old man wit. Makes me laughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. He's so bloody hilarious and so freaking good! I love his analogies and I don't fall asleep in any of his classes. Best thing is I'm finally learning about Neuroscience/ Brain stuff which is basically what my course is about.
Anyway, my shopping experiences this week was complete fail :(:( I went to Camberwell on impulse because I remember they had this shop that sells cheap Bonds stuff. I ended up jumping on the Belgrave train and got off at Camberwell. I ended up bumming around in Camberwell for 2hrs or so. I bought a Bonds jacket so I could wear to school. Then walked around the area.
On Tuesday, I went shopping with Shirley and we went all the way to Richmond to check out the Bardot Factory Outlet. Kinda shit. I thought there would be better stuff there :(:( I only bought a shirt that is nearly twice my size but oh well. Anywho, then we had lunch at some shitty restaurant SHIRLEY chose -_-" Then we saw a shoe shop that said "2 BOOTS FOR $100." They had all the good brands like Tony Bianco. Omg I was so shattered because there was a pair of Tony Bianco boots but they had no sizes left :(:( Failed shopping. HOWEVER! I now know that I can go to that shop to get some good shoes because their prices are atleast 2/3's (wild guess) of the actual retail price. After failed shopping I decided to go back to the city and do some shopping there. Again nothing that caught my eye. The thing that sucks was that I was willing to spoil myself and spend some of my money. Hrmph, oh well maybe another time.
I think this is enough from me. Work tmr morning. Just hoping those bratty kids do not turn up to class tmr. And I have a nice and quiet day at work. And a lovely but short time at the park. And a good night at the party!
Good night
So now I'm working Saturdays at Braybrook all day and afternoons on Sunday at St Albans.
But yeah, it means that I have to miss out on majority of Van's cake day :(:( I should be greatful that I am at Braybrook on Saturday because the park is close by. So even if it's 5 minutes with my friends, then let it be 5 minutes :( Ok, small exaggeration, atleast 30-45 minutes. It should be a good day. Lovely cakes with my friends and lovely time. And work with bratty kids in the morning. And slightly better class in the arvo!
Hopefully tmr night I will also be going to Maria Parapouras's going away party. Maria's one of my highschool buddies who got a scholarship to play tennis in America. So yeah farewell party organised by her best friends. It should be a good night because I haven't seen these Marian girls in ages.
So all week, my studying regime did not even happen. I was really hoping that all my free time would go to studying but ideally it does not happen. Monday, went to Camberwell to shop. Tuesday, shop again. Wednesday, Murphy's house so he can install stuff on my laptop but spent a lot of time watching Steven playing Dota. Thursday, tried studying at the library, however went home and slept. Then today had school in the late arvo so yeah. I don't mind this late afternoon class. Today, the class went so fast because this lecturer has old man wit. Makes me laughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. He's so bloody hilarious and so freaking good! I love his analogies and I don't fall asleep in any of his classes. Best thing is I'm finally learning about Neuroscience/ Brain stuff which is basically what my course is about.
Anyway, my shopping experiences this week was complete fail :(:( I went to Camberwell on impulse because I remember they had this shop that sells cheap Bonds stuff. I ended up jumping on the Belgrave train and got off at Camberwell. I ended up bumming around in Camberwell for 2hrs or so. I bought a Bonds jacket so I could wear to school. Then walked around the area.
On Tuesday, I went shopping with Shirley and we went all the way to Richmond to check out the Bardot Factory Outlet. Kinda shit. I thought there would be better stuff there :(:( I only bought a shirt that is nearly twice my size but oh well. Anywho, then we had lunch at some shitty restaurant SHIRLEY chose -_-" Then we saw a shoe shop that said "2 BOOTS FOR $100." They had all the good brands like Tony Bianco. Omg I was so shattered because there was a pair of Tony Bianco boots but they had no sizes left :(:( Failed shopping. HOWEVER! I now know that I can go to that shop to get some good shoes because their prices are atleast 2/3's (wild guess) of the actual retail price. After failed shopping I decided to go back to the city and do some shopping there. Again nothing that caught my eye. The thing that sucks was that I was willing to spoil myself and spend some of my money. Hrmph, oh well maybe another time.
I think this is enough from me. Work tmr morning. Just hoping those bratty kids do not turn up to class tmr. And I have a nice and quiet day at work. And a lovely but short time at the park. And a good night at the party!
Good night
Friday, August 7, 2009
All smiles
I am so so so so bored right now! It's 2pm on a Friday and I have nothing to do. I thought I'd go on and look up some fashion pictures again but it's not as fickle as I'd thought it would be. If I log on weekly maybe there would be a change, but log on once or twice a week nothing new really.
I've really become inspired by the website lookbook.nu. There I found stuff that I would actually wear and some I wouldn't. But yeah, I think there's a few versatile styles I want to adopt. I definitely want to buy a denim jacket, vintage blazer and some floral skirts. And I've always loved frilly blouses so yeah. It's also got me into wanting to do some weekend projects. Like actually making a garment myself. SIGH SIGH. Which comes to my next point... I need some artistic talent. I've asked Vi, if I can borrow some patterns. She's only got dresses but it doesn't matter. I just want a weekend project.
Then there's some fabrics to purchase. I really love chiffon material for some reason. But yeah maybe if I can be bothered.
So I've finally completed one good deed for the year. Helen DO-nated blood. Ok Catherine's joke... haha. Well yes, I donated blood. Very pleased to say I saved atleast 3 lives which should count up for my lack of good Samaritan-ness this past year. To be honest, I'm lacking in educating myself about the issues out there. I miss going to the Oxfam seminars and getting involved. But I feel like noone really cares anymore. Hopefully I get cracking onto something. Anyway, back to my experience. So I went donating with Catherine and Bao. First had to fill out some forms, then have an interview. They prick ur finger to test your Hb (Haemoglobin) levels. (which was painful ><) If they give you the a O.K. they take you out to the donating area. At first the lady gave me some magazines to read, I was happily reading some articles until she pushed the needle into my arm. I started flipping the pages so frantically to try and ignore the freaking pain. At some points, she told me to squeeze the stress ball so the blood could pump faster but you can feel the needle in your arm. So painful. It was a painful experience but it's bearable pain. I'd do it again, despite how much it hurts.
After blood donating we got free refreshments. Then Cat, Bao and I headed to Footscray to eat Pho to rejuvenate our Iron levels. Hahaha
Anyway, next day I had my Winter term exam. Hopefully I come out with an HD with that subject. After exams, I had to rush over to the bookshop, buy labcoats for my cousins (so heavy) then run for my train (which I missed) then run to Officeworks and back to Flinders so I didn't miss my train. Hmrph so tiring!
Few days of holidays left then and semester 2 starts. I guess I'm panicking now but that's how I was at the start of the year. And the workload is just going to get more tough :(:( But a lot of the work sounds so interesting. Only good thing about school is my early finishes this semester, but early early mornings :(:( I guess it's alright because I have the rest of the day free...
Enough from me
I've really become inspired by the website lookbook.nu. There I found stuff that I would actually wear and some I wouldn't. But yeah, I think there's a few versatile styles I want to adopt. I definitely want to buy a denim jacket, vintage blazer and some floral skirts. And I've always loved frilly blouses so yeah. It's also got me into wanting to do some weekend projects. Like actually making a garment myself. SIGH SIGH. Which comes to my next point... I need some artistic talent. I've asked Vi, if I can borrow some patterns. She's only got dresses but it doesn't matter. I just want a weekend project.
So I've finally completed one good deed for the year. Helen DO-nated blood. Ok Catherine's joke... haha. Well yes, I donated blood. Very pleased to say I saved atleast 3 lives which should count up for my lack of good Samaritan-ness this past year. To be honest, I'm lacking in educating myself about the issues out there. I miss going to the Oxfam seminars and getting involved. But I feel like noone really cares anymore. Hopefully I get cracking onto something. Anyway, back to my experience. So I went donating with Catherine and Bao. First had to fill out some forms, then have an interview. They prick ur finger to test your Hb (Haemoglobin) levels. (which was painful ><) If they give you the a O.K. they take you out to the donating area. At first the lady gave me some magazines to read, I was happily reading some articles until she pushed the needle into my arm. I started flipping the pages so frantically to try and ignore the freaking pain. At some points, she told me to squeeze the stress ball so the blood could pump faster but you can feel the needle in your arm. So painful. It was a painful experience but it's bearable pain. I'd do it again, despite how much it hurts.
After blood donating we got free refreshments. Then Cat, Bao and I headed to Footscray to eat Pho to rejuvenate our Iron levels. Hahaha
Anyway, next day I had my Winter term exam. Hopefully I come out with an HD with that subject. After exams, I had to rush over to the bookshop, buy labcoats for my cousins (so heavy) then run for my train (which I missed) then run to Officeworks and back to Flinders so I didn't miss my train. Hmrph so tiring!
Few days of holidays left then and semester 2 starts. I guess I'm panicking now but that's how I was at the start of the year. And the workload is just going to get more tough :(:( But a lot of the work sounds so interesting. Only good thing about school is my early finishes this semester, but early early mornings :(:( I guess it's alright because I have the rest of the day free...
Enough from me
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Charity Ball
I feel majorly drained today for no particularly tiring reason. Leo's Club Youth Charity Ball was a pretty good night. Only crap things about it was: 1. The night went so fast, 2. I thought more Marian '08 girls would be there, that's why I was looking forward to it. But I did, however, make the most of my night, despite the absence of my friends. So from our class of '08, there was me, Helen, Phuong, Shirley, Donna, Debbie, Daniella, Sarah Foster, Florence and Stephanie Frydas. It was a good turn out. I have been informed that $7000 has been raised and all of that money is going to the Moira Children's Foundation. No idea what that foundation is about but HEY! Good Cause! Kudos babyyy.
I thought everyone looked stunning. Hrmph, I still can't get over my ugly dress that everyone complimented. I didn't like it and yeahhhh. My hair was nice only cuz my sister did it. And I coloured it earlier in the week Gosh, I loved Helen Nguyen's dress. Look SCHMEXY! And of course all my girls looked stunning as well :):)
The food was pretty good. Especially the mains. Grilled Chicken with Mushroom sauce. Mmmm... I can still feel the taste.
Highlight of the night was when Donna, Phuong and I were taking photos in the foyer. We decided to put on 10 second timer ... and runn... up and down. It was quite amusing for those around us but I'm sure we looked like a pack of losers ... who were having fun. Hahaha. Hrmm, my thighs are so damn sore. Probably from all that dancing. I'm sure we rocked the dance floor. It was a good night indeed. Photos are up on my facebook. Unfortunately, we didn't photowhore as much which sucked because now most the memories are only in our head and not enough to share. LOL.
Oks, other than Charity Ball I've been swamped with Winter School exam prep. I've been trying to cram so much revision in so I wouldn't fall behind when Charity Ball came, Blood donating soon and of course, my new found "career" as a tutor. So awhile ago, my mate Kwan gave me Nam Quang tuition boss's phone number, which I delayed because I didn't want to talk Viet and sit on a waiting list that might take awhile. However, one fine Friday morning I called up and he told me to go in for a training the next day. Woo! Two long days of training which I thought was quite annoying. He called me Monday morning to see if I could work and I had to decline because I had uni. So all week I had this guilty conscious for saying no and that Duc (BOSS) will not call me back. He finally did and I felt so relieved. I have work tomorrow and maybe finally some income coming it. I hope this all works out because the job is cash in hand and I don't need to notify Centrelink every fortnight about it. :):) I'm thinking about working two jobs but I have no idea how I'm gonna squeeze studying into all this. I just desperately need the money to help my family out ><>
Anywho, I really should get to bed because I have another early start!
Good night
I thought everyone looked stunning. Hrmph, I still can't get over my ugly dress that everyone complimented. I didn't like it and yeahhhh. My hair was nice only cuz my sister did it. And I coloured it earlier in the week Gosh, I loved Helen Nguyen's dress. Look SCHMEXY! And of course all my girls looked stunning as well :):)
The food was pretty good. Especially the mains. Grilled Chicken with Mushroom sauce. Mmmm... I can still feel the taste.
Highlight of the night was when Donna, Phuong and I were taking photos in the foyer. We decided to put on 10 second timer ... and runn... up and down. It was quite amusing for those around us but I'm sure we looked like a pack of losers ... who were having fun. Hahaha. Hrmm, my thighs are so damn sore. Probably from all that dancing. I'm sure we rocked the dance floor. It was a good night indeed. Photos are up on my facebook. Unfortunately, we didn't photowhore as much which sucked because now most the memories are only in our head and not enough to share. LOL.
Oks, other than Charity Ball I've been swamped with Winter School exam prep. I've been trying to cram so much revision in so I wouldn't fall behind when Charity Ball came, Blood donating soon and of course, my new found "career" as a tutor. So awhile ago, my mate Kwan gave me Nam Quang tuition boss's phone number, which I delayed because I didn't want to talk Viet and sit on a waiting list that might take awhile. However, one fine Friday morning I called up and he told me to go in for a training the next day. Woo! Two long days of training which I thought was quite annoying. He called me Monday morning to see if I could work and I had to decline because I had uni. So all week I had this guilty conscious for saying no and that Duc (BOSS) will not call me back. He finally did and I felt so relieved. I have work tomorrow and maybe finally some income coming it. I hope this all works out because the job is cash in hand and I don't need to notify Centrelink every fortnight about it. :):) I'm thinking about working two jobs but I have no idea how I'm gonna squeeze studying into all this. I just desperately need the money to help my family out ><>
Anywho, I really should get to bed because I have another early start!
Good night
Monday, July 20, 2009
I guess birthday wasn't all bad. I actually got out of the house and went out for dinner. Pretty call restaurant because it was all you can eat. And very awesome atmosphere. We ate for an hour straight. And then ate some cake. Not a bad night. Only fail about the day was the shoes I wanted to buy ended up to be about 6-7inches high. GG, did not buy them.
Next day had dinner with the family. Pretty good night as well. Felt good because it just felt like another family dinner outing rather than let's celebrate Helen's birthday. We ate at Plume. I love eating Peking Duck. So delicious :):) Went home and watched Harry Potter. Great anticipation for the 6th movie, which I watched at IMAX. It was kinda shitty because the 3D effects only lasted about 15 minutes into the film, then the rest of the film wasn't in 3D. But it was a pretty good film, despite what people say. I still thought it was good. Only shitty thing again was that I left my beret back in the theatre :(:( Oh Gosh, was so God damn shattered. I was planning on buying the same one again, if they have it in stock! Would suck really bad if they didn't have it. But what are the odds of it still being there ><
Anywho, I kinda miss being a kid and just going IMAX. I feel like doing that for all the movies I want to watch now. And I really wanna go Museum, this time with a camera. Hahaha. I love going to these places. Walking along Carlton Gardens was nice too :):)
Hrmph, Charity Ball is next week. I changed my mind again and decided that I'm not gonna buy anything else for it. I'm just gonna wear shoes that I've already got at home, clutch at home and all set. Except accessories. Maybe I'd fork out some cash for that BUT that should be about it. It's just ONE night, right?! :) It's not like it's my Highschool formal or anything. I feel like a stingy ass even though my siblings gave me money for my birthday!
Had a really gay day today. My plans of going to replace my beret failed. Didn't end up going hp because I woke up late. Went Footscray instead because I had to pick up my glasses. Didn't end up getting them because the stupid Optometry place was renovating and just moved to a new place and they were just unpacking everything. -_-" I went Forges and took ages to find some SEAM-FREE underwear. No, I do not want Granny panties, nor do I want G-strings. Just normal underwear that has no seams. Took me forever to find a pair, that I do not even know if it's seam free. --" I was unaware of the time. Didn't get a chance to buy myself a fob roll. But managed to get myself a BubbleCup. Missed my train. Was late to school. Oh and might I add I got picked up on the train. o.O
Guy with iPhone writes note on his phone: "Can you plz stop listening to ur music so loud... (ME: WTF, RUDE MUCH?) ... and can you plz tell me ur name?"
*taps me on the leg*
Me: What?! *passes phone back*
Guy: *passes phone back to me again with same msg*
Me: Urgh, no.
Guy: So that's a no?
Me: Yeah, no thanks?? *blushes*
Ahhh so awkward. ROFL.
Anywho enough from me
Next day had dinner with the family. Pretty good night as well. Felt good because it just felt like another family dinner outing rather than let's celebrate Helen's birthday. We ate at Plume. I love eating Peking Duck. So delicious :):) Went home and watched Harry Potter. Great anticipation for the 6th movie, which I watched at IMAX. It was kinda shitty because the 3D effects only lasted about 15 minutes into the film, then the rest of the film wasn't in 3D. But it was a pretty good film, despite what people say. I still thought it was good. Only shitty thing again was that I left my beret back in the theatre :(:( Oh Gosh, was so God damn shattered. I was planning on buying the same one again, if they have it in stock! Would suck really bad if they didn't have it. But what are the odds of it still being there ><
Anywho, I kinda miss being a kid and just going IMAX. I feel like doing that for all the movies I want to watch now. And I really wanna go Museum, this time with a camera. Hahaha. I love going to these places. Walking along Carlton Gardens was nice too :):)
Hrmph, Charity Ball is next week. I changed my mind again and decided that I'm not gonna buy anything else for it. I'm just gonna wear shoes that I've already got at home, clutch at home and all set. Except accessories. Maybe I'd fork out some cash for that BUT that should be about it. It's just ONE night, right?! :) It's not like it's my Highschool formal or anything. I feel like a stingy ass even though my siblings gave me money for my birthday!
Had a really gay day today. My plans of going to replace my beret failed. Didn't end up going hp because I woke up late. Went Footscray instead because I had to pick up my glasses. Didn't end up getting them because the stupid Optometry place was renovating and just moved to a new place and they were just unpacking everything. -_-" I went Forges and took ages to find some SEAM-FREE underwear. No, I do not want Granny panties, nor do I want G-strings. Just normal underwear that has no seams. Took me forever to find a pair, that I do not even know if it's seam free. --" I was unaware of the time. Didn't get a chance to buy myself a fob roll. But managed to get myself a BubbleCup. Missed my train. Was late to school. Oh and might I add I got picked up on the train. o.O
Guy with iPhone writes note on his phone: "Can you plz stop listening to ur music so loud... (ME: WTF, RUDE MUCH?) ... and can you plz tell me ur name?"
*taps me on the leg*
Me: What?! *passes phone back*
Guy: *passes phone back to me again with same msg*
Me: Urgh, no.
Guy: So that's a no?
Me: Yeah, no thanks?? *blushes*
Ahhh so awkward. ROFL.
Anywho enough from me
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Other than Winter school, my days are slot with spending time with the girls and of course SHOPPING, whether it is shopping shopping, window shopping, online window shopping etc etc etc. I am constantly shopping and lusting after materials I simply cannot afford.
Ahh, been such an emo over the past couple of days. Some people really look forward to their birthdays, while I just don't want to at all. Don't really want to make a big deal out of it. This sounds so selfish but mother ended up getting a cake catered for me. And I told her I didn't want it because it cost so much and I rather get something else. I feel so bad now because she cancelled the catering and she was only doing it because she cared. But yeah, everyone's been going on and on about doing something small, but I was something smaller that small, which is nothing at all. Only thing is my birthday is on a Friday which makes it hard to get out of saying anything. Oh well, just letting everyone know in advance that I'll be in hiding all weekend :)
Anyway, in the light of birthdays, I spoilt myself with a new handbag. However that has set me back quite a fair bit. I still want that other bag and items for the charity ball like a clutch, black gladiator heels and some accessories. I'm so annoyed for getting a white dress now. I wish I bought the black one instead, but nooooo sales assistant and sister insisted I get the white one. -_-" And I really need a new wardrobe. Damn it!
So yesterday, I went yum cha with some of the girls. Me, Belinda, Catherine, Helen, Karren and Van. It was all you can eat, so pretty worth the value that we played. $16.80pp. After we went shopping and Van left us for class, Cat went Karaoke and we were joined by Vi. Shop shop shop. Went home and yeah, forgot what I did. Oh and I got a new phone recently. Nokia E71, which I'm quite shattered about because it did not come in Black and Red. Probably not released in Australia but yeah. Suckssss
Ahh cbf blogging now.
Ciao xoxo
My favourite websites this week has to be: Sportsgirl.com.au (mainly for forums) and LOOKBOOK.nu. Great for fashion inspiration!
Ahh, been such an emo over the past couple of days. Some people really look forward to their birthdays, while I just don't want to at all. Don't really want to make a big deal out of it. This sounds so selfish but mother ended up getting a cake catered for me. And I told her I didn't want it because it cost so much and I rather get something else. I feel so bad now because she cancelled the catering and she was only doing it because she cared. But yeah, everyone's been going on and on about doing something small, but I was something smaller that small, which is nothing at all. Only thing is my birthday is on a Friday which makes it hard to get out of saying anything. Oh well, just letting everyone know in advance that I'll be in hiding all weekend :)
Anyway, in the light of birthdays, I spoilt myself with a new handbag. However that has set me back quite a fair bit. I still want that other bag and items for the charity ball like a clutch, black gladiator heels and some accessories. I'm so annoyed for getting a white dress now. I wish I bought the black one instead, but nooooo sales assistant and sister insisted I get the white one. -_-" And I really need a new wardrobe. Damn it!
So yesterday, I went yum cha with some of the girls. Me, Belinda, Catherine, Helen, Karren and Van. It was all you can eat, so pretty worth the value that we played. $16.80pp. After we went shopping and Van left us for class, Cat went Karaoke and we were joined by Vi. Shop shop shop. Went home and yeah, forgot what I did. Oh and I got a new phone recently. Nokia E71, which I'm quite shattered about because it did not come in Black and Red. Probably not released in Australia but yeah. Suckssss
Ahh cbf blogging now.
Ciao xoxo
My favourite websites this week has to be: Sportsgirl.com.au (mainly for forums) and LOOKBOOK.nu. Great for fashion inspiration!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Let's count my fortune
Sarcasm right there!
I'd rather say, let's count the number of misfortunes that I've so far encountered over these 7 months of 2009. You know it's kinda funny how we always focus on the bad things in life when the good things are still always there.
From the beginning of the year, there has just been a number of things that I have faced and now I just wanna give up and don't wanna face anything anymore. We can't always have the good things in life but I don't want anymore turmoil! With all this bitching about the bad stuff, I tend to take the good things in life for granted. Good things do happen to me and sometimes I just feel like a spoilt brat when things don't go my way. Say, I want a laptop. I got the laptop. I want this and that, I get it. I guess I am really selfish. Material things can't keep me happy for long. The number of times I went shopping this year just to make me happy.
I guess 2009 is just a turning point for me. God throws everything out in the open for me to fight and accomplish. I guess I don't wanna do this anymore. Every time I come to anything religious, it's like I don't want to believe anymore. I guess I pray for the wrong things because they're never gonna come true anyway. As much as people say "have faith," what's there to have faith for. It's not like we can turn back the clocks and relive everything. Remake everything that didn't work so everything would be ok. Life just doesn't work that way.
See how I always complain about the bad things in life when there are good things as well. Like how nice Vi's BBQ gathering was. And it's good to see everyone planning stuff for the girls to get together. But now it's just jammed altogether. So I decided that I don't wanna do a birthday dinner anymore because everyone's just organising stuff and it's not like that could afford another outing. So yeah just stuff it. Probably the reasons why I never make a birthday is because there are always other things before my birthday seeing as it's holidays and I have that fear of noone turning up. LOL. But yeah I guess that again is just one of my security things. I just push all that into putting up a happy face and make the most of everything I have. Ahhh, so good at being fake.
And then there's other things in my life like my dad's ongoing illness. It's kinda scary studying Psychology, only to find that some symptoms described in my text book is symptoms that my dad shows. It's so difficult living with him. But then again he's been like this for a few years. I guess I just want that freedom of not having to look after someone who's disabled :( Wish life could be much different.
Anyway just gotta focus on all the positives in life. Even if I have to put on a fake smile :)
Good night.
I'd rather say, let's count the number of misfortunes that I've so far encountered over these 7 months of 2009. You know it's kinda funny how we always focus on the bad things in life when the good things are still always there.
From the beginning of the year, there has just been a number of things that I have faced and now I just wanna give up and don't wanna face anything anymore. We can't always have the good things in life but I don't want anymore turmoil! With all this bitching about the bad stuff, I tend to take the good things in life for granted. Good things do happen to me and sometimes I just feel like a spoilt brat when things don't go my way. Say, I want a laptop. I got the laptop. I want this and that, I get it. I guess I am really selfish. Material things can't keep me happy for long. The number of times I went shopping this year just to make me happy.
I guess 2009 is just a turning point for me. God throws everything out in the open for me to fight and accomplish. I guess I don't wanna do this anymore. Every time I come to anything religious, it's like I don't want to believe anymore. I guess I pray for the wrong things because they're never gonna come true anyway. As much as people say "have faith," what's there to have faith for. It's not like we can turn back the clocks and relive everything. Remake everything that didn't work so everything would be ok. Life just doesn't work that way.
See how I always complain about the bad things in life when there are good things as well. Like how nice Vi's BBQ gathering was. And it's good to see everyone planning stuff for the girls to get together. But now it's just jammed altogether. So I decided that I don't wanna do a birthday dinner anymore because everyone's just organising stuff and it's not like that could afford another outing. So yeah just stuff it. Probably the reasons why I never make a birthday is because there are always other things before my birthday seeing as it's holidays and I have that fear of noone turning up. LOL. But yeah I guess that again is just one of my security things. I just push all that into putting up a happy face and make the most of everything I have. Ahhh, so good at being fake.
And then there's other things in my life like my dad's ongoing illness. It's kinda scary studying Psychology, only to find that some symptoms described in my text book is symptoms that my dad shows. It's so difficult living with him. But then again he's been like this for a few years. I guess I just want that freedom of not having to look after someone who's disabled :( Wish life could be much different.
Anyway just gotta focus on all the positives in life. Even if I have to put on a fake smile :)
Good night.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Tired Of Waiting
Yesterday, I spent pretty much a 1/3 of my day WAITING!
So I had a job interview at Pancake Parlour, which started at 2pm. I think the whole interviewing process was a bit distorted for a renowned business. If they have set everyone an individual interview time, maybe that wouldn't have been a problem. Anyway, there were heaps of applicants and we were all seated. Filled out application forms and completed an aptitude test. We were then interviewed one by one, then if you were "successful" you were asked to stay where you were and waited for the next thing. I was lucky enough to stay for the next interviewer, so he can debrief me on the wages etc. But only problem was I couldn't attend the training session on Wednesday because of school. So yeah. That took about over 2hrs in total. A lot of the time was just sitting and staring at the Big Clock in PP. There were a lot of flaws I had to pick out of PP. Mainly the 3am finish on some days, where they would expect us to do a "one off" shift atleast once in awhile. That I was a bit iffy about and hesistant to say ok. But I was lucky to stay behind, in which it took me awhile to decide that I didn't really want the job afterall. So I left PP, glad that I did not get a trial shift.
After PP interview, I had to go to Medicare to apply for my own card. If you ever walk past Medicare you would see the MASS number of people queueing up. Lucky, it took about 10-20 mins wait. I window shopped for a bit before mum called so I had to meet her in Footscray. Walking to the tram stop with no umbrella, while it was spitting then waiting for the tram itself. Reaching my destination, I walked again in the cold to the Optometrist where I met up with mother. Went to get KFC for dinner, where I bumped into my mate. Sad to hear, that his friends were getting together that night for a drink up ... and to smoke up some weed. SIGH.
Anyway, more tireless waiting when I got home, I waited for Murphy to pick me up because everyone was heading out for Belinda's birthday :):) It was still early, so Shirl and I kicked back at Murph's. We jenga'd, music'd, photowhore'd, vain'd up Murph and then headed to Peter's because that was the meeting point. It was great to see most of the girls there (Kim, Helen and Donna). And most the guys. Anywho more WAITING at Peter's, as we waited for the birthday girl. Finally, we headed off to the city for some fun at Seven. The queue was major long since we arrived. We ended up queueing for over 2 hrs, and still no where near the entrance. Most of us had to be home early, so we ended up leaving. Felt bad because it was most of the girls and we were supposed to be partying with Belinda :(:( So after 2 hrs of queueing, we wanted to do something that wouldn't waste our night. So we all went to eat Kebabs. The kebab was so DAMN delicious :P Hrmm, took awhile to get home too. I should've went home with the others because the lived in my area. But I ended up staying in Murphy's car, where we had to take Van, Tony and Shirley home. And the all live in WOOP WOOP! -_-"
So yeah, more waiting as I was trying to fall asleep. I ended up sleeping some time after 4am. I do not know why I laid there for 2 hrs, pondering about God knows what. But such a waste of sleeping time. I feel like I'm gonna be an insomniac soon.
I guess the whole night wasn't all fail. For starters, I pushed my curfew way above the limits. And mum didn't really say anything about it. As for Dad, he says I am never doing that again. But my brother stuck up for me and said that I'm the brains in the family, so I deserve the relaxation.
My brother was Oh so cool yesterday. He put the whole OLDER brother act of becareful of perverted guys in the clubs, any sign of trouble call him, don't accept drinks from randoms, don't get in a car if your friend has been drinking AND "yeah here's $50 to buy you and your friends some drinks." Far now THAT was the waste of the night. $50 for booze and I did not even have a drop of alcohol in me :(:(
Probably the best thing was catching up with most of the girls, whom I haven't seen in awhile. Felt really good. Murphy said that "It's like we've just met each other" or something like that. But yeah don't blame us. Now, we just need more proper quality time with each other. Lucky Vi organised a BBQ this week and most the girls are going anyway, so that should be good.
One last thing. There was a discussion about the WOW factor!
So according to the Murphy, the person you meet and have an immediate WOW response, is THE ONE!
But Steven brought up that WHAT IF, the person is 500kgs, lost a limb, blind ya di ya di ya, would he/she still be the one?
Well to Murph, if it's still a WOW, then it's a WOW. Still the one.
But to his friends... we would be like WOHHHHH!
Lol, it was one of things that you gotta be there for. Hilarious :)
Anyway enjoy
Oh forgot to mention. My exam results came out. I am please to say that I did pretty good :) Very happy with the results because I thought I was gonna fail and I did much better than I expected. So yahh
So I had a job interview at Pancake Parlour, which started at 2pm. I think the whole interviewing process was a bit distorted for a renowned business. If they have set everyone an individual interview time, maybe that wouldn't have been a problem. Anyway, there were heaps of applicants and we were all seated. Filled out application forms and completed an aptitude test. We were then interviewed one by one, then if you were "successful" you were asked to stay where you were and waited for the next thing. I was lucky enough to stay for the next interviewer, so he can debrief me on the wages etc. But only problem was I couldn't attend the training session on Wednesday because of school. So yeah. That took about over 2hrs in total. A lot of the time was just sitting and staring at the Big Clock in PP. There were a lot of flaws I had to pick out of PP. Mainly the 3am finish on some days, where they would expect us to do a "one off" shift atleast once in awhile. That I was a bit iffy about and hesistant to say ok. But I was lucky to stay behind, in which it took me awhile to decide that I didn't really want the job afterall. So I left PP, glad that I did not get a trial shift.
After PP interview, I had to go to Medicare to apply for my own card. If you ever walk past Medicare you would see the MASS number of people queueing up. Lucky, it took about 10-20 mins wait. I window shopped for a bit before mum called so I had to meet her in Footscray. Walking to the tram stop with no umbrella, while it was spitting then waiting for the tram itself. Reaching my destination, I walked again in the cold to the Optometrist where I met up with mother. Went to get KFC for dinner, where I bumped into my mate. Sad to hear, that his friends were getting together that night for a drink up ... and to smoke up some weed. SIGH.
Anyway, more tireless waiting when I got home, I waited for Murphy to pick me up because everyone was heading out for Belinda's birthday :):) It was still early, so Shirl and I kicked back at Murph's. We jenga'd, music'd, photowhore'd, vain'd up Murph and then headed to Peter's because that was the meeting point. It was great to see most of the girls there (Kim, Helen and Donna). And most the guys. Anywho more WAITING at Peter's, as we waited for the birthday girl. Finally, we headed off to the city for some fun at Seven. The queue was major long since we arrived. We ended up queueing for over 2 hrs, and still no where near the entrance. Most of us had to be home early, so we ended up leaving. Felt bad because it was most of the girls and we were supposed to be partying with Belinda :(:( So after 2 hrs of queueing, we wanted to do something that wouldn't waste our night. So we all went to eat Kebabs. The kebab was so DAMN delicious :P Hrmm, took awhile to get home too. I should've went home with the others because the lived in my area. But I ended up staying in Murphy's car, where we had to take Van, Tony and Shirley home. And the all live in WOOP WOOP! -_-"
So yeah, more waiting as I was trying to fall asleep. I ended up sleeping some time after 4am. I do not know why I laid there for 2 hrs, pondering about God knows what. But such a waste of sleeping time. I feel like I'm gonna be an insomniac soon.
I guess the whole night wasn't all fail. For starters, I pushed my curfew way above the limits. And mum didn't really say anything about it. As for Dad, he says I am never doing that again. But my brother stuck up for me and said that I'm the brains in the family, so I deserve the relaxation.
My brother was Oh so cool yesterday. He put the whole OLDER brother act of becareful of perverted guys in the clubs, any sign of trouble call him, don't accept drinks from randoms, don't get in a car if your friend has been drinking AND "yeah here's $50 to buy you and your friends some drinks." Far now THAT was the waste of the night. $50 for booze and I did not even have a drop of alcohol in me :(:(
Probably the best thing was catching up with most of the girls, whom I haven't seen in awhile. Felt really good. Murphy said that "It's like we've just met each other" or something like that. But yeah don't blame us. Now, we just need more proper quality time with each other. Lucky Vi organised a BBQ this week and most the girls are going anyway, so that should be good.
One last thing. There was a discussion about the WOW factor!
So according to the Murphy, the person you meet and have an immediate WOW response, is THE ONE!
But Steven brought up that WHAT IF, the person is 500kgs, lost a limb, blind ya di ya di ya, would he/she still be the one?
Well to Murph, if it's still a WOW, then it's a WOW. Still the one.
But to his friends... we would be like WOHHHHH!
Lol, it was one of things that you gotta be there for. Hilarious :)
Anyway enjoy
Oh forgot to mention. My exam results came out. I am please to say that I did pretty good :) Very happy with the results because I thought I was gonna fail and I did much better than I expected. So yahh
Monday, June 22, 2009
Monday night bored-ism
Holidays are hereeeeee and I'm actually spending two days of it at school, studying Design and Measurement. Argh, I am such an idiot. From yesterday I've been dreading going back to school because I barely had my holidays (4 days since exams finished). So I'm back to good ol school. I kinda regret picking up a subject to do over the holidays because my convenor just totally overestimated to complexity of it all. Lawl.
Anywho, today was my first day of Winter school. It was quite boring actually. My day started off with train ride to the city. Ran to officeworks for some new stationary. Then off to school. Subway for lunch. Then the beginning of my lecture. I wanted to fall asleep so bad. Then school ended with a tute, where I was supposed to be paying attention. But instead, I was facebooking, job hunting etc etc. Kinda sad. There was about 4 of us sitting at the back all doing the same thing. Just eating, drinking and doing random stuff. Oh the cool thing was the whole lab was filled with Mac computers. The screens were ginormousss, but then again I'm not a huge fan of Mac/Apple.
All in all, my exams weren't all that bad. But next semester, I should really get good study habits and study throughout the semester, not do the necessary work and then leave cramming for swot vac. All I want is a Pass and I would be all good.
After exams, I met up with Shirley and we went roaming again. This time was Crown roaming. We had lunch at "the Pub." Here's another critique of mine. Average restaurant with average food. 4 stars on great atmosphere and design. Lovely place to design. After lunch, Shirl and I went into the gaming rooms. We put a dollar each in the pokies machine. I honestly don't find the joy in gambling -_-" We were getting tired from all the button pushing from just $1. We roamed again looking for a bar to chill at. I finally found Velvet Bar, which was decent but not like the classy feel I was looking for. After some drinks, we roamed again then CBF anymore. So we chilled outside near the river which was nice and relaxing. And it was making Shirl sleepy. Hahaha. We went to visit Donna at work and went home. Nice day with my SON :D
I also went to see The Getaway Plan. One of my favourite bands. Well initially, Belinda asked if I wanted to go ages ago. But knowing me, I said just leave it to the date and we'll get it then. >< rja =" screamo," plan =" Rock.">
The start to my holidays have been good so far I guess. All these birthdays are around the corner. Kinda excited for it too. And can't wait to catch up with all my girls :D:D Should be awesome. I want to go zoo too. But this ass hasn't got back to me :(:( So yeah, I'm all set for outings :D But need money. So I need to jobhunt too. So much on my agenda. Hoping for an awesome holidayyy.
You know you love me
Anywho, today was my first day of Winter school. It was quite boring actually. My day started off with train ride to the city. Ran to officeworks for some new stationary. Then off to school. Subway for lunch. Then the beginning of my lecture. I wanted to fall asleep so bad. Then school ended with a tute, where I was supposed to be paying attention. But instead, I was facebooking, job hunting etc etc. Kinda sad. There was about 4 of us sitting at the back all doing the same thing. Just eating, drinking and doing random stuff. Oh the cool thing was the whole lab was filled with Mac computers. The screens were ginormousss, but then again I'm not a huge fan of Mac/Apple.
All in all, my exams weren't all that bad. But next semester, I should really get good study habits and study throughout the semester, not do the necessary work and then leave cramming for swot vac. All I want is a Pass and I would be all good.
After exams, I met up with Shirley and we went roaming again. This time was Crown roaming. We had lunch at "the Pub." Here's another critique of mine. Average restaurant with average food. 4 stars on great atmosphere and design. Lovely place to design. After lunch, Shirl and I went into the gaming rooms. We put a dollar each in the pokies machine. I honestly don't find the joy in gambling -_-" We were getting tired from all the button pushing from just $1. We roamed again looking for a bar to chill at. I finally found Velvet Bar, which was decent but not like the classy feel I was looking for. After some drinks, we roamed again then CBF anymore. So we chilled outside near the river which was nice and relaxing. And it was making Shirl sleepy. Hahaha. We went to visit Donna at work and went home. Nice day with my SON :D
I also went to see The Getaway Plan. One of my favourite bands. Well initially, Belinda asked if I wanted to go ages ago. But knowing me, I said just leave it to the date and we'll get it then. >< rja =" screamo," plan =" Rock.">
The start to my holidays have been good so far I guess. All these birthdays are around the corner. Kinda excited for it too. And can't wait to catch up with all my girls :D:D Should be awesome. I want to go zoo too. But this ass hasn't got back to me :(:( So yeah, I'm all set for outings :D But need money. So I need to jobhunt too. So much on my agenda. Hoping for an awesome holidayyy.
You know you love me
Friday, May 29, 2009
Halfway through the year
Gosh time flies so fast. 3 months of summer holidays after VCE and only a 12 week semester of uni. Then nearly 2 months of holidays coming up, which I'm gonna study a unit during the winter term. I'm still hoping for a job. But it's quite impossible to even get one these days. So called brother's friend was supposed to help me get a job but the bloody manager is slower that freaking GJ's manager or something.
I've literally spent most of my money and my key card is drained to the max. I ended up getting my boots and another trench coat on the side. Sigh. If only money did grow on trees...
So yeah, I haven't been up to much lately. After my last blog, I ended up going Japan fest with some of my girls and a few of Catherine's friends. It was a nice day out. First time in Box Hill as well. The festival had heaps of Japanese stuff (obviously) and delicious food as well. There were a few showcases that were on but we didn't get to see most of them because we arrived pretty late. I'm currently lusting after a kimono now. So pretty and oriental. I ended up getting a souvenir of my name and Hime on a piece of paper, written in Japanese characters. The lady was so stylish with her calligraphy.
You know this time last year, everyone was stressing out about exams. And now, I have barely started exam prep and it two weeks until my first exam. I've honestly lost motivation for first year. Maybe if uni was closer to home it would be better. And if it wasn't so flexible with timetable. I guess I could always get in the habit in Semester 2, but I need to get through Semester 1 first.
I'm feeling majorly nostalgic. Again, this time last year, I had a strong network of support. Well wasn't really a network but yeah, you know who. It was like if I needed to destress well that was pretty much it. Text and call, and it would make everything feel better. I can't believe time is flying so fast. I wish it would just stop for a second so we can embrace something from it.
Anywho, so many things are coming up. Birthdays, outings etc. I don't really know what to prioritize anymore.
Oh, the weird highlight of my week. During high school, I used to call younger girls who'd admire me my "Fanclub." Yep, they would stare at me, scream my name from a distance just to wave and run up and hug me at miscellanous times. Well yeah the other day I was at Melbourne Central, and for some reason yr9 Marian girls were lurking around. Probably some city project. Well going up the escalators, I saw a pack of them and one of them screams out OMG HEY IT'S YOU!!! Runs up and literally bear hugs me. I was taken by surprise. So I just tapped her on the back. Children these days.
Yesterday, Shirl called me out to go for lunch. Well she took me to this restaurant at the end of Chinatown. It was a fancy and stuff so we ended up being stingy because they didn't give us a proper menu and we didn't have that much money on us. ROFL.
Oh btw, I lost my dress on eBay. So freaking depressing. Maybe they should just cancel the ball because Miss Helen cannot get her dress. LOL.
Anywho. I think I've had enough of blogging.
I've literally spent most of my money and my key card is drained to the max. I ended up getting my boots and another trench coat on the side. Sigh. If only money did grow on trees...
So yeah, I haven't been up to much lately. After my last blog, I ended up going Japan fest with some of my girls and a few of Catherine's friends. It was a nice day out. First time in Box Hill as well. The festival had heaps of Japanese stuff (obviously) and delicious food as well. There were a few showcases that were on but we didn't get to see most of them because we arrived pretty late. I'm currently lusting after a kimono now. So pretty and oriental. I ended up getting a souvenir of my name and Hime on a piece of paper, written in Japanese characters. The lady was so stylish with her calligraphy.
You know this time last year, everyone was stressing out about exams. And now, I have barely started exam prep and it two weeks until my first exam. I've honestly lost motivation for first year. Maybe if uni was closer to home it would be better. And if it wasn't so flexible with timetable. I guess I could always get in the habit in Semester 2, but I need to get through Semester 1 first.
I'm feeling majorly nostalgic. Again, this time last year, I had a strong network of support. Well wasn't really a network but yeah, you know who. It was like if I needed to destress well that was pretty much it. Text and call, and it would make everything feel better. I can't believe time is flying so fast. I wish it would just stop for a second so we can embrace something from it.
Anywho, so many things are coming up. Birthdays, outings etc. I don't really know what to prioritize anymore.
Oh, the weird highlight of my week. During high school, I used to call younger girls who'd admire me my "Fanclub." Yep, they would stare at me, scream my name from a distance just to wave and run up and hug me at miscellanous times. Well yeah the other day I was at Melbourne Central, and for some reason yr9 Marian girls were lurking around. Probably some city project. Well going up the escalators, I saw a pack of them and one of them screams out OMG HEY IT'S YOU!!! Runs up and literally bear hugs me. I was taken by surprise. So I just tapped her on the back. Children these days.
Yesterday, Shirl called me out to go for lunch. Well she took me to this restaurant at the end of Chinatown. It was a fancy and stuff so we ended up being stingy because they didn't give us a proper menu and we didn't have that much money on us. ROFL.
Oh btw, I lost my dress on eBay. So freaking depressing. Maybe they should just cancel the ball because Miss Helen cannot get her dress. LOL.
Anywho. I think I've had enough of blogging.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Nearly Insane.
Well atleast I think I am. I haven't blogged in awhile which means this is a definite time for destressing.
Exams are just around the corner and I haven't even started studying for them. Each day goes by and I am still trying to understand concepts of the Human Anatomy and Physiology, which I don't think I'll ever get because the Human body is way too complex especially when they are using such fanciful names for everything.
Just two more weeks and this semester will be over. Then exams. Then Winter term. Come to think of it, I don't know why I signed up for Winter term now. I know it gets one of my units out of the way but I don't think it's possible for me to finish my course earlier. I highly doubt they would offer Physiology or Psychology units in a Winter or Summer term, which kind of sucks. But I guess I get to hang with Jaime, seeing as I have found my other nerd half.
So I think I've been too emotionally tense. Watching One Tree Hill is sooooo not good for my emotional health. I get teary atleast 3-4 times in each episode and it makes me yearn for him so much. I really don't get that with other tv shows. I think OTH is just too pro of a show.
I think I've been going shopping quite a fair bit lately. I'm down to nothing in my bank account and nothing in my money box. My latest buys: new beanie and trench coat. I'm quite happy with both actually. The beanie is cute as :):) Keeps my hair warm too. The trench coat I just bought today at a bargain price so I'm extremely happy about it. It's red as well. Seeing as it was cheap as, I was gonna invest in another one, however, they had no sizes left, so I might check the Melbourne Central store on Thursday. Speaking of new buys, I'm finally getting my boots this week. Or atleast I think I am. Well I've been contemplating whether to get them or not because I don't remember exactly how it looks and whether it's worth buying or not. But I guess it shouldn't really matter because I got noone to impress AND it will keep me warm during this winter season. Sigh, shopping seems like my only best friend at them moment. But money running so low :(:(
So the other we were supposedly going to a Marian College Reunion. Well turns out it wasn't really a reunion, but as the flyer stated "An event for pasttime students." So it wasn't just 2008 graduates but it was EVERYONE, literally. The number of people that came was quite small. From my 2008 cohort there was about less than 10 of us. I guess, again, I'm at the point saying, I see who I can and make the most of it. The night wasn't all bad. I felt really good being inside Marian grounds again and it just felt so warm and welcoming. Marian just feels like home sometimes I guess. I mean being there for 4 years has showed me that the school cares for it's students so much. I really miss being there. Well the whole point of the night was trying to get past students of Marian to make a community from the outside to link with the inside. i.e. I can still participate in JDF and commit to other things like being a guest speaker or whatever. They want the REAL world to come inside those big gates. I guess I understand there idea because I miss JDF and I've been meaning to come back to help out and such.
The other thing that came up was the Leo's Club Charity ball. This has been lurking around Facebook for awhile but of course hearing about it first hand is much better. I'm thinking about going, even though I didn't really like Leo's back in VCE, the reason being the girls were ditching JDF for Leo's. I must admit, Leo's were more about money leeching i.e. fundraising for a cause, whereas JDF was more about Awareness and minimal money leeching. Anywho back to the ball. I'm excited. Even though I have a major money setback. I'm trying to keep my budget at a minimal. I found a potential dress on eBay which I'm almost ready to bargain for. $60 for the ticket. And of course shoes. I'm dying for some strappy gladiator heels :):) That would make me extremely happy. I got an idea of how I want my hair. But I'm not quite sure what look I want to portray. LOL. I'm excited about the ball. It's for charity and dressing up is a major bonus. It should get a good night depending if everyone goes. Just over two months away.
Yup and in two months and 1 day shall be my 19th. How ugly does 19 sound. I really wanna go Teppanyaki for my birthday but only problem is MONEY, again. This stupid economic crisis is driving me insane because it's nearly impossible to find a job. So yeah Teppanyaki. I'm thinking at Ginza Teppanyaki in Chinatown. That's where all the celebrities dine. Well like Jackie Chan and even Queens of the Stone Age. I came across it when Helen Nguyen and I were looking for a place to eat. She wanted to show me this Sake & Grill restaurant on the other end Chinatown, so we wondered down and saw a few fancy restaurants that I would loveeeeeeee to dine in. Meals are quite pricey though. And it might not even taste good. But yeah, Teppanyaki is definitely on my agenda, birthday or no birthday, I must dine there!
Anyway time is of the essence and I really should start doing my Physiology lab report.
Exams are just around the corner and I haven't even started studying for them. Each day goes by and I am still trying to understand concepts of the Human Anatomy and Physiology, which I don't think I'll ever get because the Human body is way too complex especially when they are using such fanciful names for everything.
Just two more weeks and this semester will be over. Then exams. Then Winter term. Come to think of it, I don't know why I signed up for Winter term now. I know it gets one of my units out of the way but I don't think it's possible for me to finish my course earlier. I highly doubt they would offer Physiology or Psychology units in a Winter or Summer term, which kind of sucks. But I guess I get to hang with Jaime, seeing as I have found my other nerd half.
So I think I've been too emotionally tense. Watching One Tree Hill is sooooo not good for my emotional health. I get teary atleast 3-4 times in each episode and it makes me yearn for him so much. I really don't get that with other tv shows. I think OTH is just too pro of a show.
I think I've been going shopping quite a fair bit lately. I'm down to nothing in my bank account and nothing in my money box. My latest buys: new beanie and trench coat. I'm quite happy with both actually. The beanie is cute as :):) Keeps my hair warm too. The trench coat I just bought today at a bargain price so I'm extremely happy about it. It's red as well. Seeing as it was cheap as, I was gonna invest in another one, however, they had no sizes left, so I might check the Melbourne Central store on Thursday. Speaking of new buys, I'm finally getting my boots this week. Or atleast I think I am. Well I've been contemplating whether to get them or not because I don't remember exactly how it looks and whether it's worth buying or not. But I guess it shouldn't really matter because I got noone to impress AND it will keep me warm during this winter season. Sigh, shopping seems like my only best friend at them moment. But money running so low :(:(
So the other we were supposedly going to a Marian College Reunion. Well turns out it wasn't really a reunion, but as the flyer stated "An event for pasttime students." So it wasn't just 2008 graduates but it was EVERYONE, literally. The number of people that came was quite small. From my 2008 cohort there was about less than 10 of us. I guess, again, I'm at the point saying, I see who I can and make the most of it. The night wasn't all bad. I felt really good being inside Marian grounds again and it just felt so warm and welcoming. Marian just feels like home sometimes I guess. I mean being there for 4 years has showed me that the school cares for it's students so much. I really miss being there. Well the whole point of the night was trying to get past students of Marian to make a community from the outside to link with the inside. i.e. I can still participate in JDF and commit to other things like being a guest speaker or whatever. They want the REAL world to come inside those big gates. I guess I understand there idea because I miss JDF and I've been meaning to come back to help out and such.
The other thing that came up was the Leo's Club Charity ball. This has been lurking around Facebook for awhile but of course hearing about it first hand is much better. I'm thinking about going, even though I didn't really like Leo's back in VCE, the reason being the girls were ditching JDF for Leo's. I must admit, Leo's were more about money leeching i.e. fundraising for a cause, whereas JDF was more about Awareness and minimal money leeching. Anywho back to the ball. I'm excited. Even though I have a major money setback. I'm trying to keep my budget at a minimal. I found a potential dress on eBay which I'm almost ready to bargain for. $60 for the ticket. And of course shoes. I'm dying for some strappy gladiator heels :):) That would make me extremely happy. I got an idea of how I want my hair. But I'm not quite sure what look I want to portray. LOL. I'm excited about the ball. It's for charity and dressing up is a major bonus. It should get a good night depending if everyone goes. Just over two months away.
Yup and in two months and 1 day shall be my 19th. How ugly does 19 sound. I really wanna go Teppanyaki for my birthday but only problem is MONEY, again. This stupid economic crisis is driving me insane because it's nearly impossible to find a job. So yeah Teppanyaki. I'm thinking at Ginza Teppanyaki in Chinatown. That's where all the celebrities dine. Well like Jackie Chan and even Queens of the Stone Age. I came across it when Helen Nguyen and I were looking for a place to eat. She wanted to show me this Sake & Grill restaurant on the other end Chinatown, so we wondered down and saw a few fancy restaurants that I would loveeeeeeee to dine in. Meals are quite pricey though. And it might not even taste good. But yeah, Teppanyaki is definitely on my agenda, birthday or no birthday, I must dine there!
Anyway time is of the essence and I really should start doing my Physiology lab report.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Currently listening to: Manhattan - Kings Of Leon
I'd usually update my blog weekly, however I kind of got carried away doing stuff that aren't even of interest anyway.
So yeah, what's been happening with school?! I'm behind as usual. Never been so lazy in my life. However I've trying to pull myself on track with Physiology. I can't say anything for Psychology because I honestly haven't touched my assignment which is due next week. A full lab report. Can life be anymore difficult when you do Psych. Err... then my Statistics second online task is due soon. And Chemistry, well I always have to be up to date with it, or atleast try to be anyway. So pretty much, I'm doomed for mid-semester exams unless I pull my act together. I'm actually more worried about Winter term studies (if I even do it) and my Semester 2 timetable. Because hell no I am not doing Chemistry 2 nor am I gonna do Philosophy or some form of maths!
Anyway, best Physiology lecture last week, on a late Friday class too. Friday was an ultra-long day because I had a test in between on my break. So all in all I got less than 2 hrs of break for a 9:30-6:30pm day. And max. of 2 hrs of travelling. And to make my day (not quite sure if I'm either being sarcastic or happy) I bumped into HIM at Sunshine. It was a short encounter but HEY! ... I dunno. Lol. :(:( It kinda sucks though. It just felt really empty. Because usually I'd get a kiss along with the hug. But yeahhhh... it was just weird. Like when I looked at him, it felt like the first time we saw each other. Just someone I wanted to get to know (again). It's like that face you see among the crown and think that they're are someone you just want to get to know. I don't know mannnnnn, I am so confused about everything. Really thought I'm making progress because I don't about everything anymore. Just seeing him again made the thought of crying come back. SIGH.
Err, on a more depressing note. Mum finally took me to that Sports warehouse down on Sunshine Rd. However, it was OF COURSE SHITTER THAN ADVERTISED. But my brother got a bargain out of it. 2 pairs of Royales. Buy 1 get 1 free. I was gonna settle for a Men's Adidas Jumper, however the shoulders look to broad even for a small. But meh, whatever. I went home empty handed. Oh and impulse buys! Well not really, more like impulse lay-by. I put a pair of boots on lay-by during my breaks at school. Aish.
Oh, I walked out of my Chemistry tute. Now everyone thinks I'm some sort of rebel. Cmon guys it's UNI, noone cares!
Oh today at school was good! It was Linda's birthday! So me, Dom, Kim and Linda went to eat together, in small celebration anyway. Hopefully the girls and I would be able to take her out. She was suggesting Mambo's! So maybe!? I dunno ><
So yeah, I think I should end things from here.
Oh and Gossip Girl Ep 22, was GOD damn awesome. Gets juicier and juicier!
I'd usually update my blog weekly, however I kind of got carried away doing stuff that aren't even of interest anyway.
So yeah, what's been happening with school?! I'm behind as usual. Never been so lazy in my life. However I've trying to pull myself on track with Physiology. I can't say anything for Psychology because I honestly haven't touched my assignment which is due next week. A full lab report. Can life be anymore difficult when you do Psych. Err... then my Statistics second online task is due soon. And Chemistry, well I always have to be up to date with it, or atleast try to be anyway. So pretty much, I'm doomed for mid-semester exams unless I pull my act together. I'm actually more worried about Winter term studies (if I even do it) and my Semester 2 timetable. Because hell no I am not doing Chemistry 2 nor am I gonna do Philosophy or some form of maths!
Anyway, best Physiology lecture last week, on a late Friday class too. Friday was an ultra-long day because I had a test in between on my break. So all in all I got less than 2 hrs of break for a 9:30-6:30pm day. And max. of 2 hrs of travelling. And to make my day (not quite sure if I'm either being sarcastic or happy) I bumped into HIM at Sunshine. It was a short encounter but HEY! ... I dunno. Lol. :(:( It kinda sucks though. It just felt really empty. Because usually I'd get a kiss along with the hug. But yeahhhh... it was just weird. Like when I looked at him, it felt like the first time we saw each other. Just someone I wanted to get to know (again). It's like that face you see among the crown and think that they're are someone you just want to get to know. I don't know mannnnnn, I am so confused about everything. Really thought I'm making progress because I don't about everything anymore. Just seeing him again made the thought of crying come back. SIGH.
Err, on a more depressing note. Mum finally took me to that Sports warehouse down on Sunshine Rd. However, it was OF COURSE SHITTER THAN ADVERTISED. But my brother got a bargain out of it. 2 pairs of Royales. Buy 1 get 1 free. I was gonna settle for a Men's Adidas Jumper, however the shoulders look to broad even for a small. But meh, whatever. I went home empty handed. Oh and impulse buys! Well not really, more like impulse lay-by. I put a pair of boots on lay-by during my breaks at school. Aish.
Oh, I walked out of my Chemistry tute. Now everyone thinks I'm some sort of rebel. Cmon guys it's UNI, noone cares!
Oh today at school was good! It was Linda's birthday! So me, Dom, Kim and Linda went to eat together, in small celebration anyway. Hopefully the girls and I would be able to take her out. She was suggesting Mambo's! So maybe!? I dunno ><
So yeah, I think I should end things from here.
Oh and Gossip Girl Ep 22, was GOD damn awesome. Gets juicier and juicier!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Holidays over so soon.
It's been a quiet week for me. I limited myself to going out because I had so much homework to catch up on. I don't even think I even covered most of the content that I wanted to cover. It's gonna be a bumpy ride for the next few weeks if I want to get atleast 75% in my mid year exams. It kinda sucks though. Because a semester worth of content is pretty much what we learnt over the course of a year in yr 12. Oh gosh and I was feeling terrible after I nearly failed two of my chem maths competency thing. Like far out, who uses 10 step questions in a one mark multiple choice. You're bound to go wrong somewhere. Really frustrated me. But I guess it only counts as a small percentage to your overall score. Fk. I really should limit my internet usage. I'm pretty much logging onto my laptop every few hours just check who's online and not worrying about my homework because it's TOO HARD! ><
So my week pretty much consisted of homeworking, exercising, organising girls night out and a bit of shopping. I skipped most of my invitations to go play some sports (fatty-ness now), movies, karaoke (not my comfort zone with another group) and yeah. However I did end up going Karaoke with the girls, which to my disappointment only a few of us came to the karaoke part of the girls night out. Dinner was awesome for GNO. There was 9 of us who came to the dinner at Maedaya. Yup, Maedaya again. This time it was their 1 year anniversary so they gave us free Japanese dessert which I believe was called Dango. We actually got to try some sake this time. It tasted umm very gross. Lol. I didn't like it, yet Van kept passing the shot glass around for everyone to finish it off. Blah. The girl's night ended with us walking from Flinders St to Melb Central. Don't know why. But we did it. We could've just went home with the rest. But yeahh, oh well.
Been feeling really horrible lately. Maybe because I think my relationship with him is over for good now. I don't know if he's waiting for me to talk to him. But I know I was waiting for him. And seeing as holidays are over, I will never get my second chance. Unless yeah. Then there's just family drama that I really hate. I really hate the sexcism and the Asian parent thing. Pisses me off. I really hate having to eat my Saturday lunches alone. And I really hate waking up early to go grocery shopping. Yeah life sucksssssssss atm anyway. Life gonna suck even more when I go back to school on Tuesday. I really cbs going school. All the travelling and all the money on food.
Just Let It Go - 4tune.
So my week pretty much consisted of homeworking, exercising, organising girls night out and a bit of shopping. I skipped most of my invitations to go play some sports (fatty-ness now), movies, karaoke (not my comfort zone with another group) and yeah. However I did end up going Karaoke with the girls, which to my disappointment only a few of us came to the karaoke part of the girls night out. Dinner was awesome for GNO. There was 9 of us who came to the dinner at Maedaya. Yup, Maedaya again. This time it was their 1 year anniversary so they gave us free Japanese dessert which I believe was called Dango. We actually got to try some sake this time. It tasted umm very gross. Lol. I didn't like it, yet Van kept passing the shot glass around for everyone to finish it off. Blah. The girl's night ended with us walking from Flinders St to Melb Central. Don't know why. But we did it. We could've just went home with the rest. But yeahh, oh well.
Been feeling really horrible lately. Maybe because I think my relationship with him is over for good now. I don't know if he's waiting for me to talk to him. But I know I was waiting for him. And seeing as holidays are over, I will never get my second chance. Unless yeah. Then there's just family drama that I really hate. I really hate the sexcism and the Asian parent thing. Pisses me off. I really hate having to eat my Saturday lunches alone. And I really hate waking up early to go grocery shopping. Yeah life sucksssssssss atm anyway. Life gonna suck even more when I go back to school on Tuesday. I really cbs going school. All the travelling and all the money on food.
Just Let It Go - 4tune.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Let's get crazy tonight!
Let's go crazy - Cassie ft. Akon. Very catchy song.
The volunteering thing fell through. Only because there was too many of us. So when Kim called up, the lady said she didn't need us anymore. So gay. It ruined my Good Friday. I wasted the day away and I can't remember what I did.
My Easter holidays. I think mum was in Easter spirit. She was buying chocolates for all my cousins and nieces/nephews. All I got in return was a bowl of CHE, which had really bad banana in it. Mum totally makes it better. And a cold heart D&M with my Fob cousin in law, which made me realise that I shouldn't really judge my niece for being a spoilt brat.
Yayaya, my long awaited meal at Maedaya for Leena Ha's birthday was pretty worth waiting for. However, I really thought the scenery would be much prettier and that the restaurant would've been much bigger and fancier. But all in all, the food was good! It wasn't as fattening as Korean BBQ in Chinatown. The meats came in really small but cheap proportions. Gotta love the Teriyaki sauce as well :P:P Photos are on my facebook. Hrmm, whatelse... Cat & Vi got the cake from Breadtop. Taro cake. it was pretty nice. After everyone departed, Leena, Helen, Shirley and I wandered the city for a bit. We ended up going on the Giant Ferris Wheel and got a free round as well, "because we asked nicely." It was really cold up there and fireworks came on. How cool?! We like totally planned it for Leena's birthday ya know. LOL. Oh and fkn asshole ruined my night. He calls me up to invite me to Karaoke and says " " is coming. Just ruined my night so bad.
And yeah, girls night out coming up! Lol, we're going Maedaya again. This time with all the girls. And Karaoke too. Yay! Oh, maybe I can drink Sake this time since I didn't get a chance yesterday. Oh gosh and the Kari Kari Bacon salad. Fkn best salad ever! Food is pretty cheap there. Like $3 for a plate of meat to grill. Lol.
Anywho, just thought I'd give a short review on Maedaya.
Ciao ciao
The volunteering thing fell through. Only because there was too many of us. So when Kim called up, the lady said she didn't need us anymore. So gay. It ruined my Good Friday. I wasted the day away and I can't remember what I did.
My Easter holidays. I think mum was in Easter spirit. She was buying chocolates for all my cousins and nieces/nephews. All I got in return was a bowl of CHE, which had really bad banana in it. Mum totally makes it better. And a cold heart D&M with my Fob cousin in law, which made me realise that I shouldn't really judge my niece for being a spoilt brat.
Yayaya, my long awaited meal at Maedaya for Leena Ha's birthday was pretty worth waiting for. However, I really thought the scenery would be much prettier and that the restaurant would've been much bigger and fancier. But all in all, the food was good! It wasn't as fattening as Korean BBQ in Chinatown. The meats came in really small but cheap proportions. Gotta love the Teriyaki sauce as well :P:P Photos are on my facebook. Hrmm, whatelse... Cat & Vi got the cake from Breadtop. Taro cake. it was pretty nice. After everyone departed, Leena, Helen, Shirley and I wandered the city for a bit. We ended up going on the Giant Ferris Wheel and got a free round as well, "because we asked nicely." It was really cold up there and fireworks came on. How cool?! We like totally planned it for Leena's birthday ya know. LOL. Oh and fkn asshole ruined my night. He calls me up to invite me to Karaoke and says " " is coming. Just ruined my night so bad.
And yeah, girls night out coming up! Lol, we're going Maedaya again. This time with all the girls. And Karaoke too. Yay! Oh, maybe I can drink Sake this time since I didn't get a chance yesterday. Oh gosh and the Kari Kari Bacon salad. Fkn best salad ever! Food is pretty cheap there. Like $3 for a plate of meat to grill. Lol.
Anywho, just thought I'd give a short review on Maedaya.
Ciao ciao
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Holidays! :)
The holidays have finally come! Not that there was much of a school term but I guess I do need that break even though I've been slacking off. Really bad start to the school yeah. I mean to sum up the past few weeks, uni hasn't been that hectic. And if it was, it was because I left everything to the last minute and then stressing about it. Har har. But yeah holidays are here. Although it's only one week, I got to make the most of it.
Well it is gonna be a great start to my holidays. Well technically holidays start on Friday but my classes for Thursday got cancelled. So let's say my great holiday begins on Friday. Good Friday Appeal! I'm finally getting off my ass and getting involved in community work. Something I have no done profoundly since yr 11. (Didn't majorly participate in year 12) But yeah, I'm gonna be volunteering with some of my friends at Etihad Stadium for the Royal Children's Hospital. So it should be a really good day. Because RCH is my inspiration to my future career. I shall be working there one day :):)
Saturday should be another good night too. Leena Ha's 18th. I'm really looking forward to it because she chose this really nice Japanese Restaurant which I believe is going to have an awesome atmosphere! I would have to update everyone on the restaurant once I've actually eaten there. But from the photos and the descriptions, ahhh looking forward to it. And of course, dinner and drinks on her! :):) Lol, thanks Leena! Oh and not to mention, we're gonna be trying out some Sake, Japanese Alki! :):)
So what else?! Hrmm, after school on Friday (last week) I ended up skipping Physiology and went shopping in the city. I ended up buying another pair of jeans. (On sale and of course I couldn't help it) And again, sales assistants disagreeing with me that I shouldn't go up a size. However, I did try on the larger size just to be sure, but bought the small size anyway. Monday, I finally bought my jacket. I got the Forever New Jacket in cream. It's alright but a bit pricey I guess.
Oh and Phuong's 18th birthday was a blast. I only went to the small gathering but it was pretty fun. And it wasn't really a small gathering either. Lol. Her small is around 50+ guests. Lmao. Oh well, it was an awesome night. Drinking + dancing away some pain. And everyone chipped in for her Laptop. Her family put in a huge proportion and everyone put in around 30-50. But all in all, it was moreover the amount that we were aiming for. So yeah. Well after Phuong's, I did some thinking. And thought, maybe I don't really need him. I don't want to participate in his game where he's holding all the cards. But I just miss him. I really don't know anymore. Holidays are here and we are supposedly gonna go out to see how things go. Maybe I don't want that anymore. I'm not really sure what I want actually. But if I don't go, I might regret it and miss my opportunity if things were actually gonna work out.
I went GJ's the other day. Fag finally put my final pay through. But didn't get my payslips done. And to add on top of the fag's wrongdoings, he organises a staff dinner and doesn't invite me. But invites Tu, who quit before me. Don't get me wrong Tu is awesome, but wtf!? where was my freaking invite?!
Gay bus ride.
So Tuesday afternoon, I usually catch the local bus home. A girl named J that Kim knew came onto the bus. Kim immediately tells me the 411 on her. i.e. She's gay. This person's ex. Eww. Anywho, while Kim's story about her was unfolding, J was talking to another girl about some stuff. The other girl obviously had a boyfriend. J was telling her that she should come with her to this Underage Club. And Kim was telling me how there was this underage club for gay kids. Rofl.
Then J was fully emphasizing to her friend that she should go to this underage club. And particularly highlighting that she should not bring her BF. Then J was going on about how "INTERESTING" the night would be. Quoting interesting with two fingers, if you get what I mean. Me and Kim couldn't stop laughing. J's friend clearly did not know what she was in for.
CNOW (Corny nick of the week)
--' you belong to me, Hime. In the mean time, you cant give out your heart again just yet..
bahahaha so cute ><
Anywho that's it for me.
Well it is gonna be a great start to my holidays. Well technically holidays start on Friday but my classes for Thursday got cancelled. So let's say my great holiday begins on Friday. Good Friday Appeal! I'm finally getting off my ass and getting involved in community work. Something I have no done profoundly since yr 11. (Didn't majorly participate in year 12) But yeah, I'm gonna be volunteering with some of my friends at Etihad Stadium for the Royal Children's Hospital. So it should be a really good day. Because RCH is my inspiration to my future career. I shall be working there one day :):)
Saturday should be another good night too. Leena Ha's 18th. I'm really looking forward to it because she chose this really nice Japanese Restaurant which I believe is going to have an awesome atmosphere! I would have to update everyone on the restaurant once I've actually eaten there. But from the photos and the descriptions, ahhh looking forward to it. And of course, dinner and drinks on her! :):) Lol, thanks Leena! Oh and not to mention, we're gonna be trying out some Sake, Japanese Alki! :):)
So what else?! Hrmm, after school on Friday (last week) I ended up skipping Physiology and went shopping in the city. I ended up buying another pair of jeans. (On sale and of course I couldn't help it) And again, sales assistants disagreeing with me that I shouldn't go up a size. However, I did try on the larger size just to be sure, but bought the small size anyway. Monday, I finally bought my jacket. I got the Forever New Jacket in cream. It's alright but a bit pricey I guess.
Oh and Phuong's 18th birthday was a blast. I only went to the small gathering but it was pretty fun. And it wasn't really a small gathering either. Lol. Her small is around 50+ guests. Lmao. Oh well, it was an awesome night. Drinking + dancing away some pain. And everyone chipped in for her Laptop. Her family put in a huge proportion and everyone put in around 30-50. But all in all, it was moreover the amount that we were aiming for. So yeah. Well after Phuong's, I did some thinking. And thought, maybe I don't really need him. I don't want to participate in his game where he's holding all the cards. But I just miss him. I really don't know anymore. Holidays are here and we are supposedly gonna go out to see how things go. Maybe I don't want that anymore. I'm not really sure what I want actually. But if I don't go, I might regret it and miss my opportunity if things were actually gonna work out.
I went GJ's the other day. Fag finally put my final pay through. But didn't get my payslips done. And to add on top of the fag's wrongdoings, he organises a staff dinner and doesn't invite me. But invites Tu, who quit before me. Don't get me wrong Tu is awesome, but wtf!? where was my freaking invite?!
Gay bus ride.
So Tuesday afternoon, I usually catch the local bus home. A girl named J that Kim knew came onto the bus. Kim immediately tells me the 411 on her. i.e. She's gay. This person's ex. Eww. Anywho, while Kim's story about her was unfolding, J was talking to another girl about some stuff. The other girl obviously had a boyfriend. J was telling her that she should come with her to this Underage Club. And Kim was telling me how there was this underage club for gay kids. Rofl.
Then J was fully emphasizing to her friend that she should go to this underage club. And particularly highlighting that she should not bring her BF. Then J was going on about how "INTERESTING" the night would be. Quoting interesting with two fingers, if you get what I mean. Me and Kim couldn't stop laughing. J's friend clearly did not know what she was in for.
CNOW (Corny nick of the week)
--' you belong to me, Hime. In the mean time, you cant give out your heart again just yet..
bahahaha so cute ><
Anywho that's it for me.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Weekend finally.
I'm exhausted to what seemed like a long week but actually it wasn't that long. I think it was just another of those weeks I'm having where my life just seems to go wrong.
Just reading Cat's blog about PMS. Well let's say during these time of months girls tend to be quite emotional. So I did something really irrational that made me cry and cry. Rofl. Well, I was quite conscious of what I was doing and postponed it afterwards. Lol. So yeah, a very emotional and confusing week actually. Times where I always tend to contradict myself. To spend time alone or to spend time with friends. When I'm with a friend, I don't want them there. When I spend time alone, I need a friend. Argh, I tend to do that a lot. Anyway, so in the end the thing I postponed, I end up finishing it off. In my response, well let's say it was the same response as the last. (I think you all know what I'm talking about) Anyway, so I was kinda emotional again and again. Trying to build a bridge to get over it. In the end, I got another response which has left me with mixed emotions. Happy, confused and scared. It's what I wanted right?! But then what?! I'm just scared of the outcome. And how things won't turn out the way I want it to. But it should be good you know. When the right path is chosen, then I can choose to let go or to hold on. I guess I just have to let fate handle this. I really hope that he's feeling up to it.
Ok, so maybe he preoccupies my mind 90% of the time which really sucks. I try to do other things like study to get him off my mind. But when I do study, it reminds me of year 12 and how he was always there to push me through the tough year. Argh, sucks I know.
Well lately I have lost the motivation about school. Mainly because of catching public, which consumes so much time. And then there's my brother who decides to put his car into the mechanics... works over time and makes everyone catch the local bus to and from home. So that added another 30 mins, on top of my 40-60 minutes of travelling to school. (Well, it takes 40, but plus or minus waiting times) So yeah, I was bloody exhausted that day. Maybe because of the Maccas I ate, or that Ana made me laugh so much because we both have double jointed arms. -_-" Which, I might have add that she kept flopping around and trying to look scary? Aish, that girl makes my peak hour enjoyable :):)
Anywho, today I only decided to wag Physiology. But I was on my break and my friend storms out of class with her own crisis. So I ended up missing out on half my Psychology lecture just to talk things over. Mind you, the weather was terrible during that time. The thunder was scared the shit out of me ><><) Anywho, I went back to Basement because I really wanted this Miss Shop jacket (Tag says Blue, but it looks grey-blue -_-"). I didn't end up buying it. Waste of my time. But I did bump into Kenny and Viv. So yeah. I bought new jeans again :):) This time from Dotti. $20 off denim :D It's freaking tight as. And sales assistants always tells me not to go up a size and I can't freaking breathe. Omfg ><><><><>
So partial failed shopping. It freaking sucks because I can't find my mum a birthday present either. Argh.
Oh my VAIO laptop bag came in today from Hong Kong :):) It was $16.50 which I think is a bargain price for a Sony bag. But yeah, it's sleek and will protect my precious baby. Which reminds me I gotta do user comments on ebay :D And I can finally brind my laptop to school, however, that's just asking for my laptop to get scratch or die >< :(:(:(
Anywho, Phuong's birthday tmr. Should be a good weekend. Looking forward to it. I'm just gonna go to the small gathering she organised for the close friends. Then the rest can club or whatever. I got a freaking assignment due in on Monday, which is great because the extended it from Friday due to ITS. Yeah.
Anywho ciao
P.S. Awesome episode of Gossip Girl :):)
Just reading Cat's blog about PMS. Well let's say during these time of months girls tend to be quite emotional. So I did something really irrational that made me cry and cry. Rofl. Well, I was quite conscious of what I was doing and postponed it afterwards. Lol. So yeah, a very emotional and confusing week actually. Times where I always tend to contradict myself. To spend time alone or to spend time with friends. When I'm with a friend, I don't want them there. When I spend time alone, I need a friend. Argh, I tend to do that a lot. Anyway, so in the end the thing I postponed, I end up finishing it off. In my response, well let's say it was the same response as the last. (I think you all know what I'm talking about) Anyway, so I was kinda emotional again and again. Trying to build a bridge to get over it. In the end, I got another response which has left me with mixed emotions. Happy, confused and scared. It's what I wanted right?! But then what?! I'm just scared of the outcome. And how things won't turn out the way I want it to. But it should be good you know. When the right path is chosen, then I can choose to let go or to hold on. I guess I just have to let fate handle this. I really hope that he's feeling up to it.
Ok, so maybe he preoccupies my mind 90% of the time which really sucks. I try to do other things like study to get him off my mind. But when I do study, it reminds me of year 12 and how he was always there to push me through the tough year. Argh, sucks I know.
Well lately I have lost the motivation about school. Mainly because of catching public, which consumes so much time. And then there's my brother who decides to put his car into the mechanics... works over time and makes everyone catch the local bus to and from home. So that added another 30 mins, on top of my 40-60 minutes of travelling to school. (Well, it takes 40, but plus or minus waiting times) So yeah, I was bloody exhausted that day. Maybe because of the Maccas I ate, or that Ana made me laugh so much because we both have double jointed arms. -_-" Which, I might have add that she kept flopping around and trying to look scary? Aish, that girl makes my peak hour enjoyable :):)
Anywho, today I only decided to wag Physiology. But I was on my break and my friend storms out of class with her own crisis. So I ended up missing out on half my Psychology lecture just to talk things over. Mind you, the weather was terrible during that time. The thunder was scared the shit out of me ><><) Anywho, I went back to Basement because I really wanted this Miss Shop jacket (Tag says Blue, but it looks grey-blue -_-"). I didn't end up buying it. Waste of my time. But I did bump into Kenny and Viv. So yeah. I bought new jeans again :):) This time from Dotti. $20 off denim :D It's freaking tight as. And sales assistants always tells me not to go up a size and I can't freaking breathe. Omfg ><><><><>
So partial failed shopping. It freaking sucks because I can't find my mum a birthday present either. Argh.
Oh my VAIO laptop bag came in today from Hong Kong :):) It was $16.50 which I think is a bargain price for a Sony bag. But yeah, it's sleek and will protect my precious baby. Which reminds me I gotta do user comments on ebay :D And I can finally brind my laptop to school, however, that's just asking for my laptop to get scratch or die >< :(:(:(
Anywho, Phuong's birthday tmr. Should be a good weekend. Looking forward to it. I'm just gonna go to the small gathering she organised for the close friends. Then the rest can club or whatever. I got a freaking assignment due in on Monday, which is great because the extended it from Friday due to ITS. Yeah.
Anywho ciao
P.S. Awesome episode of Gossip Girl :):)
Monday, March 30, 2009
Blog addicts
I recently read a Psychology journal on Why people blog? And research has shown that people like me and bloggers, blog because we need to vent. And it is kind of true. We don't go into depth because it's like an online journal but it's just more to vent. And then when we read back on it we look at how we dealt with the issue. And the comments that you get or hits, just makes you wanna blog even more. Just gotta love Psychology! Lol. Oh I only came across that journal because I had to do my Psychology assignment on Stress, Coping and Life Satisfaction. In other words, the way you deal with stress impacts on how satisfied you are with your life. It was quite a difficult task that I have no quite finished yet. But that's what days off are for. (I've decided I'm not going to 1hr Physiology on Monday) Anywho, yeah, assignment on stress was making me feel more stress. Reading article after article, extracting information that was related to my studies. And to be a Psychologist, in my opinion you gotta have good writing which gives you more credibility.
So abt my Monday classes. Seeing as Lectopia is a popular option, might as well not go to school for an hour on Monday. Because it kills 3 hrs of my time and I do nothing all day anyway. So if I stay home, I can study the whole day and not worry about going anywhere after. I'm thinking about skipping Friday arvo classes but I don't want to miss too much Physiology. I mean, it is the subject that I want to succeed in the most. So it shouldn't kill me right!?
I went shopping yesterday. Meh, so hard to find something nice lately. I only end up buying a pair of high waisted jeans from Sportsgirl. I think it's pretty sexy. And great that I squeezed into a small size. And sales assistant calling me TINY! when I was asking for a larger size -_-" She's like it's a PERFECT FIT why do you wanna go up? ><>

Argh, I'm so emotional lately. I guess I'm not coping really well with what happened. I constantly have him on my mind and I don't want to anymore. At first before the text I didn't want to let go. But now, what's left to hold onto? I mean, before the text I was thriving on the idea that we would get back together. And that text came. But it was all a lie. I mean I'm not taking his reason for ending our relationship as it is because he wouldn't be texting me nor would he even be thinking about me anymore. So there's apart of me that won't take the initial reason to be my answer. A part of me still think there's hope. I'm still longing to be his girlfriend. Something that I never got the chance to be. I just miss him so much. I really need that closure. There was so much going on in my life right after he broke it off with me. And I just really wish he was there for me through it all. I know I have my friends and everyone else but just that closure from a friend is different from the closure that you get from the guy you like. I guess I just got to let go and move on. I really don't know if he has. Because he said he lost feelings but he wouldn't be texting me apologizing if those feelings are gone. But whatever right?! I'll just try and let go.
Oh I'm making the most of this blog by adding my friends to my Blogs I follow list :)
So abt my Monday classes. Seeing as Lectopia is a popular option, might as well not go to school for an hour on Monday. Because it kills 3 hrs of my time and I do nothing all day anyway. So if I stay home, I can study the whole day and not worry about going anywhere after. I'm thinking about skipping Friday arvo classes but I don't want to miss too much Physiology. I mean, it is the subject that I want to succeed in the most. So it shouldn't kill me right!?
I went shopping yesterday. Meh, so hard to find something nice lately. I only end up buying a pair of high waisted jeans from Sportsgirl. I think it's pretty sexy. And great that I squeezed into a small size. And sales assistant calling me TINY! when I was asking for a larger size -_-" She's like it's a PERFECT FIT why do you wanna go up? ><>

Argh, I'm so emotional lately. I guess I'm not coping really well with what happened. I constantly have him on my mind and I don't want to anymore. At first before the text I didn't want to let go. But now, what's left to hold onto? I mean, before the text I was thriving on the idea that we would get back together. And that text came. But it was all a lie. I mean I'm not taking his reason for ending our relationship as it is because he wouldn't be texting me nor would he even be thinking about me anymore. So there's apart of me that won't take the initial reason to be my answer. A part of me still think there's hope. I'm still longing to be his girlfriend. Something that I never got the chance to be. I just miss him so much. I really need that closure. There was so much going on in my life right after he broke it off with me. And I just really wish he was there for me through it all. I know I have my friends and everyone else but just that closure from a friend is different from the closure that you get from the guy you like. I guess I just got to let go and move on. I really don't know if he has. Because he said he lost feelings but he wouldn't be texting me apologizing if those feelings are gone. But whatever right?! I'll just try and let go.
Oh I'm making the most of this blog by adding my friends to my Blogs I follow list :)
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